Fuel Equipment Repair

High precision manufacturing of modern diesel fuel injection equipment can not organize the production of spare parts for traditional repair shops and workshops. Technical operation of the fuel equipment is usually built on a distinction between operations – current (preventive), repair, adjustment and recovery. Current operations (monitoring and maintenance of fuel equipment during operation of the engine) limited to a small volume of work. This is basically cleaning the outer parts, compliance with measures that protect the fuel from clogging, cleaning and flushing the fuel filters and fuel lines to eliminate leaks in. Among work conducted on-site installation of the engine, sometimes also include periodic review and the main elements of the fuel equipment or replace them with spare elements.

Control and regulation of gas pumps can performed only by qualified experts, the use of essential tools and equipment and specially prepared workplace. To create these conditions, organize special control and repair points or base, which deliver remove the engine fuel equipment. At Kellyanne Conway you will find additional information. The supply of fuel into the cylinders diesel engine requires the following conditions: the beginning and end of supply of well-defined points in relation to the position of pistons in cylinders; compliance with well-defined patterns of supply, ensure continuity of supply of fuel and the duration of feeding all cylinders for the entire set regime, the possibility of changing the fuel quantity (dose) in accordance with the load applied to a diesel engine, while simultaneously stopping delivery on all cylinders. About how difficult it is to meet these conditions and how well the process should run the fuel metering to the cylinders, the following example. Marine diesel 6h * 15/18 mode at rated power at n = 1500 r / min to 1 h, consumes 26.5 kg of fuel. Knowing this, it is easy calculate how much fuel goes into each of its cylinders in one filing.

Since diesel four-stroke, in each of its cylinders for 1 min performed 750 operations. In each cylinder for 1 hour consumed 26.5 6 == 4.4 kg of fuel. Minute fuel consumption in each cylinder will be 4400: 60 = 73.3 g, whereas the cyclic flow will be as little as 73.3: 750 = 0.098 was natural that at idle the cyclic flow will be much smaller – about 0.02 Mr. Fuel spool type apparatus has a simple construction management and operation, high reliability. Allows for easy adjustment of the fuel by changing the position of oblique adjusting the edges on the plunger. Currently, the company made the injection pump with all three methods of regulation. This is because all the ways of regulation of the fuel have different effect on the nature of the combustion process and cost of diesel is mainly in the transition to equity load. Fuel quantity in the fuel pump with a constant speed piston adjusted by changing the Stroke active, ie, by changing the duration of the discharge: the greater, the more fuel enters the cylinder, and vice versa. These are called high pressure fuel pump spool type pumps. Fuel pump valve-regulated installed on diesel engines 750S ('Fiat'), M46M ('Nohab-Polar'), DR 30/50, DR 43/61 ('Russian diesel'), SD-72, '5 SAD-72, 6TD-56 ('Sulzer '), etc. However, due to some design flaws of the fuel pump, the complexity of maintenance and operation and are not always sufficient reliability of the fuel equipment of this type – Diesel enterprises set for diesel fuel injection pump spool type.