Land Ownership

When carrying out activities related to the registration of land ownership in the problem at first appear simple, but includes some pitfalls. This is a land border agreement with your neighbors on site. Maybe long enough to be friendly with the neighbors, but when there is a problem related to the harmonization of the actions of the borders, for example, who owns a certain number of square meters of land or small pond, which is jointly constructed, there is a conflict of vested interests. Itself the task of harmonizing land borders with its neighbors is simple, in the Cadastral Chamber need to take inventory statement B-1 at sites Your neighbors, it is usually offered to do the cadastral engineers, at a time when you are applying it to land-deed. But the form of HF-1 gives the data, usually only one of a number of previous owners of the site, as before, by legislation during the registration of land rights information on the new owner of the House would not surrender. Then you will write a statement that your neighbors have to fill in the name of the document on the right to area, passport information the site owner, to sign it.

That is, if you have neighbors on the site was not formed mutual claims on land border agreement. But he may be unwilling to tell you the data. Or the neighbor's document does not exist. There is a situation that the land or the house was inherited. But the procedure of registration of the inheritance of the land does not require registration of land. Heir receives a document at the notary office to join in on this legacy, and stops. And some do not come into an inheritance, but simply continue to live in the house. Or neighbor just makes the division of land for several owners.

In this situation, save the situation the following procedure: submission of the advertisement in a local newspaper about the actions to harmonize land borders. But even here there are some nuances. Announcement faster you can place in any newspaper, but the Land Board adopts this declaration of only one district, appointed by the district administration. Naturally cadastral engineers have information in what the newspaper ad is served. Month need to wait for the next stage is supported by cutting ads in surveying work, you lose a working day, on the surrender documents in the cadastral chamber and waited thirty calendar days, you are denied. Announcement submitted on the old form, as the company prepares for you surveying business, surprised – they had not exactly new information. And if suddenly conflict with your neighbors? Then it makes sense to adjust to a long legal battle, and preferably as soon as possible.

Internet Products

It remembers that also there are several of these sites, thus is that it is worth the pain to verify them before you are decided by a specific salesman. It looks for References The Internet will offer a variety to him of Web sites and sites of purchases where it will find salesmen wholesale. Each site will show to the products or services of wholesale salesmen in the position where he catches the attention of the users more. Nevertheless, if you realise a search of salesmen of individual form, he will find sections of forums, rooms of chat and blogs in which owners of businesses as you enter information on his experiences with each supplier, or positive or negative. These sites can be great resources to learn about the quality of products offered by each salesman, his service to the client, its prices and all the referring one to trustworthiness. When it looks for to take decisions do not forget to consult all the experiences of their colleagues.

Unit of Requests Surely the salesmen will offer some sample to him of their products looking for that he can take a nearer contact and verify the quality of his articles. Or that it is looking for material promotional such as ball-point pens or memories USB, or that it needs provisions office, it will find forms available in the Web sites of the salesmen generally where it will be able to ask for unit of the products that they they distribute. Surely this way you can have information about his possible suplidor. First, you will be able to see and to take the product to determine his quality. Secondly, he will learn more envelope just a little bit which is to work with that company.

You will be able among others to testear things the speed of answer of your possible supplier. In addition, he will describe the service to the client who the collaborators of the company offered to him to you. And he will very possibly receive a more extensive catalogue of his products that are available online. He makes businesses with suppliers of cheap koozies, or looks for wholesale through an ample data base of companies of sales.

Economic Crisis Reflections

The numbers of the GIP, with retraction of 3,6% in the last trimester of 2008, do not leave doubt: the crisis left of being financial (bankruptcy of banks/brokers, uncertainty in the shareholding market) to become economic (retraction of the demand, excess of offers, unemployment). At this current moment it does not advance to think about ' ' marolinha' ' as president Lula says or ' ' tsunami' ' as economist Nouriel Roubino thinks. It is hour to join the cacos and to reflect on what is happening, mainly, as we go to leave this. In this direction I consider the attention in some points: Patience, the recovery will take some tempoA contraction is global: the exportations, the production and the consumption are falling of sped up form. The contrary winds are very strong, in reason of the extreme leverage, the engaged rockings and the consequent squeeze of the credit.

The main financial institutions can be insolvent; it is difficult to evaluate its accounting books. global growth is come close to the zero, and the economies of all the advanced countries probably will shrink in 2009. These factors had provoked a reduction of the consumption and, later, the decline of the investments and the job. With this, the sales, the profits, the quality of the credit and, completing the circle, the values of the assets had fallen. If transparent the fast governments will be in its intentions and to intervine in way co-ordinated in the real economy and the financial sector, probably we will have deep a global contraction up to 2010. If not to make it, probably the situation will be aggravated still more.

Economy will come back to normality in 2010Os economists hesitates in foreseeing the future, and with reason. But, analyzing the current picture of the crisis we arrive the two conclusions: not it was of the night for the day that we arrive at this point, and nor we will be able recouping in them tomorrow. However, to speed up the process she will be necessary to take some measures – to reestablish the credit, to adopt initiatives for the creation of jobs. Of the beginning the middle Fever of the Tulipas new features and to know as to face it. The pessimism finishes when pessimism has esperanao would finish when the economic agents come back to have hope. The hope supports the life, but the lost hope draws out the contractions. In the root of this paradox it is the notion of that ' ' booms' ' to they only precede ' ' booms' ' , but also they are cause of them. When it has uncertainty how much to the future the owners of companies cut its investments and the consumers cut its budgets. When making this the contraction if goes deep and the prices fall. The low prices of today, for more painful than can be, will finish if becoming the proper stimulaton it market, therefore more early or later the entrepreneur will come back to invest and the consumer to buy. Before you perceiving, the shareholding, real estate, automobile market (any market) will be the way of a recovery – it does not only ask when. In summary: – we exaggerate; – we commit error of always the same; – but we go recouping in them in the medium stated period. Bibliography: Periodical Leading Brazilian business newspaper, ' ' When we will see an overturn in U.S.A.? ' '. Published in 09 of March of 2009

10 Ways To Attract People To Your Internet Website!

This article shows you 10 unique ways to attract people to your website. 1. Give people a free subscription to his e-zine. Almost everyone today publishes an electronic journal, so it is important to give something extra with the free subscription. You could offer gift-format advertising when people subscribe.

2. Provide your visitors with free content. Your content will be more attractive to visitors if it is original, also offers the option to print the contents of your e-zine or web site. 3. Give an online directory. The directory could be full of interesting books, e-zines, websites, etc. This will be a valuable resource and that people who receive your directory will visit your page again and again. 4.

Give your visitors a free ebook. You could also include your own ad in the eBook. If you do not want to spend time to write one, you can ask other writers to use their articles. 5. Organize seminars free online chat from your website. The idea “Living information” certainly attract people to visit your site. You will become an acknowledged expert in the subject. 6. Organize contests or sweepstakes on its website, and free entry for visitors to participate. Prizes must be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most people who come, return to visit their website to get the results. 7. Empower your visitors to download free software. It could be freeware, shareware, demos, etc. You may include a directory on your site library. If you created the software, enter your ad on the inside and allow others to distribute. 8. Offer free online services or public website. They may be search engine submitting, copy writing, etc. A proofreading service or utility should be helpful to your target audience. 9. Giving free advice to people who visit your website. You could offer your knowledge via e-mail or phone. People consider this a huge value because consulting fees can be very high. 10. Give your visitors a free subscription to your online club. People want to belong to something, why not your online club?. You may also give a free e-zine for club members.

The Brazilians Are Coming

Published in 1928, Macunama? workmanship of the writer Mrio de Andrade? it is a romance of Modern line, writing in only six days, during its vacation in the interior of So Paulo, becoming a classic of the Brazilian literature, which approaches the adventures of a hero without no character, personage who of the name to the workmanship. All the plot of the rapsdia if develops around the loss and recovery of muiraquit? object of sentimental value for Macunama, gift of Ci, queen of Amazon, with who has a son (this falece days after been born). In uncurling of the tram, Macunama ‘ ‘ brinca’ ‘ with diverse women, attracting until its brother-in-law, Iriqui, woman of Jigu; raises the question if the hero is or not it profile of the Brazilian, had as without character, without conscience. Such fact is still strengthened in a chapter of the narrative, where the main personage leaves the conscience in the one tip mandacaru in the Island of Marapat and travels for the South (Chapter V). It is noticed in the context, the absence of punctuation in some conjuncts, a simple language, as well as the intention of the author in portraying diverse problems, such Brazilian which: the lack of definition of a national, the culture submissa and divided character of Brazil, the indifference stops with our traditions, the importation of sociocultural and economic models, the linguistic discrimination, among others factors. According to Mrio de Andrade, ‘ ‘ this book does not pass of an anthology of the Brazilian folklore. … One of the interests was lendariamente to disrespect the geographic geography and fauna and flora. … ‘ ‘ (1928, p 220) certain ousadia of the author in establishing an imaginary relation between the mythical one Is still perceived and the technological one, in which it is presented in the phase where Macunama, in search of muiraquit, goes for So Paulo and there ‘ ‘ mitifica’ ‘ some unknown objects of the urban civilization for it, as the machine pathek, the machine Smith-Wesson, the machine telephone, the machine tram, machine clothes, electric light etc., and, reciprocal, is bewitched by them. At last, one noticed bold intentions of the author in publishing the above-mentioned narrative, having main intention the rupture with any trace of a literary chain that still prevailed in those times, the Parnasianismo; implantation of a genuinely Brazilian culture, being, landmark and, workmanship target critical even in the current days for Brazilian literature.


In recent years it had a considerable increase in what it says respect to the virtual nets of sociability and relationships as Orkut, Facebook and the Twitter, being this the object of our study. Of the English language, the verb ' ' tweet' ' , that it means to piar of birds, takes the twitteiros of planto to follow, on line, the gorjeios? in form of messages of up to 140 characters? of that if they had considered to follow. In an unpretentious relation with the Flautista de Hamelin? German folclrico story published by the Grimm brothers in century XIX? despite it seems a little constrangedor, is possible to make an analogy of the history of the musician of the city of Hamelin, that, when receiving the incumbency to finish with the rats that infested that locality, obtained success by means of the sound of its flute. With its melody, it attracted all the rats for far it drowned and them in a river. However, frustrated with the refusal of the payment for the authority city dweller, the musician, in an act of revenge, hipnotiza all the children of the city take and them even so obtain, thus leaving, that desolate and unhappy city. It can seem risvel, if it was not nonsense excessively to compare the followers of the melody of the above-mentioned musician with the users of the Twitter in question, that, as hipnotizados, follow and answer to the chosen ditames of its in an act of almost proselitista devotion. He is well-known to point out despite the increase of information and proportionate communication for the Internet in recent years made of the individual an isolated being that interacts with excessively without the necessity leaving its particular environment. Of this form, the wave of the social nets in the Internet directed toward the creation of virtual communities devaluates each time more the social relations in set with the family, the school, the church, isolating the individual, restricting its performance in this scope and contributing for the growth of the egoism, the omission, of the apathy, beyond collaborating for the sprouting of psychological riots, as the depression.

Popular Areas

Aikido – a Japanese martial art, one of the most popular destinations in the world of aikido. It was founded a student of Morihei Ueshiba Sensei Gozo Shioda during the life of a teacher and retained stiffness techniques ‘Kobukan’ – Ueshiba dojo where he taught aikido to the war. A distinctive feature of Yoshinkan is a clear method of teaching which allows you to quickly train a large number of students. The method is based on the known principle of “from simple to complex.” Initially, the student masters the basic rack Aikido – kama. Then proceeds to explore the basic movements – kihon dosa. From these basic movements, like the words of the letters are built the basic techniques – kihon waza. These techniques, as educational, performed by divisions, and are intended to form the pupil of the initial motor skills.

Then, as development of basic forms, begins testing of rapid execution of techniques against various attacks. The following steps are the subject of study for those who have been studying Aikido for at least several years. First, this time between ‘du Waza ‘- run continuously from a fixed attack techniques (eg, direct punch). Second, improvement of methods of self-defense. Third, work on feeling the weight partner when he tries to keep his balance, and the task student – to break this balance, not making, if possible, of physical effort.

Thus, a clear system of education contributed to the spread of Yoshinkan worldwide. At the moment, is a martial art studied in dozens of countries around the world. A lot of clubs are united in one federation – International Yoshinkan Foundation, headed by the son of Gozo Shioda Yasuhisa Shioda. In various countries, including Russia, are regularly held workshops for leadership of the Japanese masters, publishing instructional videos and books. It is believed that aikido maloprimenimo in a real street fight, however, one must understand that almost all aikido techniques are applied variations that can be used in a combat situation. Another thing is that the effectiveness of this use will depend on the moral standards of man. A task of Aikido, as well as any other types of martial arts, according to past things, is to strengthen the spirit and the rise of neuro-psychological stability of people in extreme situations.