These displacements were the escape that the professors searched not to harm its lessons. White (2008, p.100) affirms in them: Our institutions of education must be provided with all the resources for instruction with respect to the mechanism of the human body. It must be taught to the students to breathe, to read and to speak thus the effort does not fall again on the throat and the pulmes, but on the abdominal muscles. It was made some experiences with the professor of Physics with the thermodynamics which evidenced that the incidence of the solar rays in the room arrived the 40 degrees and in the window it was of 41graus, what at least left the pupils with certain discomfort in room. What it could have proportionate to the pupils collapses, fever, nauseas, migraine. To know more about this subject visit Western Union.
For having an extreme exposition the high temperatures or being displayed to the sun. The necessary body of a temperature so that the individual can be well. Its variations also are common, therefore of course it oscillates during the day. The temperature goes going up for 37,2 to the afternoon, and goes falling until arriving at 35,5de dawn However, the extremities of these temperatures can cause some damages the health. We go to consider the following graph: Temperature of the Body Temperature in CelsiusO degree that happens with the body 20A internally temperature of the body low and the metabolism also. The heart for and the cerebral activity cease completely. The body with the temperature of 20 already cannot live. 30Em this period of training, the sanguineous flow in the brain diminishes, causing mental riot and problems of reasoning.
The cardiac beatings arrive at a rhythm of one or two beatings per minute, only seeming that it is deceased. 35Comea the hopotermia, or extreme loss of heat. The physiotherapist says Sergio Cravo, of the Federal University of So Paulo (Unifest).