From this vision, the period of training of the pupil of the course of Social Service in the area of the Social Assistance, implying in the understanding of the supremacy of the attendance to the social necessities on the requirements of economic yield, the conscience of that the social rights are universal, in order to become the addressee of the alcanvel assistencial action for excessively the public politics, the development of the respect to the dignity of the citizen, its autonomy and its right the benefits and services of quality, as well as the familiar and communitarian convivncia, forbidding if any vexatious evidence of necessity, and the commitment with the promotion of equality of rights in the access to the attendance, without discrimination of any nature, guaranteeing itself equivalence to the urban and agricultural populations, capacity of ample spreading of the benefits, assistenciais services, programs and projects, as well as of the resources offered for the Public Power and of the criteria for its concession. These principles that are enclosed in the project of the Federal Government for the Social Assistance establish the paper of the period of training of the Social Service, assumed for the work that was developed by the trainees, in Caruaru-FOOT. To facilitate to the work of the Social Assistant and the aiming of the public politics it was implemented I register in cadastre Only for Social Programs? CADNICO, that if deals with: an instrument of identification and socioeconmica characterization of the Brazilian families of low income, understood as those with equal or inferior income the half minimum wage for person (per capita) or monthly familiar income of up to three minimum wages. Its information can be used by the governments federal, state and municipal to get socioeconmico diagnosis of the registered in cadastre families, for in such a way, to make possible the analysis of its main necessities (MDS 2011, P.