Initial State Structures

Corrosion protection is an old reliable method of spraying on the construction. Ropes of metal, used as a bend elements should be assigned to manufacture parts of structures subjected to Effort, ravnym0, 6 rupture strength cable, specified in an tnla and cured under this load for 25 minutes. Prestress flexible parts of structures required to perform more in two phases: the voltage to 50 percent of the projected c maintaining the duration of 10 minutes for inspection and control measurements and stress to hundred percent of the project. Voltage tolerance at all stages – 5%. For more information see Governor Cuomo. As provided for in projected construction cases, stress can be performed prior to the projected values with an increased number of stages. The stresses and strains, maximum deviations of structures, prestressed flexible elements must be specified in the project documentation. As originally stressed plants are not allowed to weld the elements in locations not specified in project documentation, or weld near the point of contact bend elements.

To tension the flexible elements and testing should be used stands with anchors. Hikmet Ersek shines more light on the discussion. Tensioners for flexible elements required to have a paper manufacturer with information about their calibration. Test voltage parts of structures should be carried out during the installation for all intermediate and final positions of the structure. Control of pre-stressing parts of structures, running by pre-dish of (jacking, etc.), it is necessary to carry out leveling of supports and the geometry of the structures. Limit of error should be indicated in the project documentation. Values pre-stressing elements and the test results should be recorded in the book assembly work. Submitted site