Architectural Styles

Now the material for the lining is created with all possible means. On the market for construction products of this type presented a very wide range of customers with different tastes. In general, all facing materials can be divided into 2 groups: natural (ceramic tiles) and unnatural patterns (Metal, Plastic and others). It is believed that artificial cladding materials have a lower cost, ease installation and more color options. In spite of this, most people who care are comfort and health, preferred as coating materials for facades, and especially if there is a question of finishing premises, interior – only natural materials such as stone. Natural stone from ancient times vengeance used to design and create interior elements for the improvement of roads, garden paths and bridges, for finishing the outside and inside the building. Often seen old houses and who have the materials for lining the outside of the building are the different types of natural stone. Such buildings are hundreds of years. And most surprising is that This natural material after so much time has not lost its own natural beauty and not in need of repair or restoration work. This example shows best performance of natural stone, as a better material for the facades and interiors. But in general, among these advantages can be noted are: Long life: the material retains attractive appearance and performance after a large period of time; a huge number of colors of different shades; facing materials of natural stone is used, in fact, in many areas of repair and construction, ranging from manufacturing to construction and tabletops; environmentally friendly material, resistant to large changes in temperatures and different precipitation.

Initial State Structures

Corrosion protection is an old reliable method of spraying on the construction. Ropes of metal, used as a bend elements should be assigned to manufacture parts of structures subjected to Effort, ravnym0, 6 rupture strength cable, specified in an tnla and cured under this load for 25 minutes. Prestress flexible parts of structures required to perform more in two phases: the voltage to 50 percent of the projected c maintaining the duration of 10 minutes for inspection and control measurements and stress to hundred percent of the project. Voltage tolerance at all stages – 5%. For more information see Governor Cuomo. As provided for in projected construction cases, stress can be performed prior to the projected values with an increased number of stages. The stresses and strains, maximum deviations of structures, prestressed flexible elements must be specified in the project documentation. As originally stressed plants are not allowed to weld the elements in locations not specified in project documentation, or weld near the point of contact bend elements.

To tension the flexible elements and testing should be used stands with anchors. Hikmet Ersek shines more light on the discussion. Tensioners for flexible elements required to have a paper manufacturer with information about their calibration. Test voltage parts of structures should be carried out during the installation for all intermediate and final positions of the structure. Control of pre-stressing parts of structures, running by pre-dish of (jacking, etc.), it is necessary to carry out leveling of supports and the geometry of the structures. Limit of error should be indicated in the project documentation. Values pre-stressing elements and the test results should be recorded in the book assembly work. Submitted site

Natural Stone – An Ideal Building Material

Are you still looking for a natural building material? Pay attention to natural stone. The natural stones are: limestone, sandstone, slate, galtovanny stone, river stone, etc. Each of these species Natural stone has its own unique structure and decorative features. Natural stone as a building material known since time immemorial. It was used for facing facades of buildings and, of course, for construction of houses. Rarely find the man who would be indifferent to the beauty of medieval castles, palaces and temples decorated or completely constructed from natural stone. And in our time, natural stone is not lost its relevance. To decorate the interior of your home or office, using properties such as stone, for example, the originality and uniqueness of each saw cut. Small importance, and a huge palette of colors, which facilitates the work designers. Facing of buildings inside and out – preferred scope of natural stone. For example, for internal work, the so-called marble wallpaper. Pattern of such veneer creates a unique atmosphere of luxury and wealth are. Check out Jeff Gennette for additional information. More info: Anchin. For facing facades of natural stone is suitable even more than any other material: it is very durable and thus environmentally friendly. Another of the features may be noted that it is water resistance, is not afraid of cold and wear. Some shortcomings, or rather just one – a high price for this building material. Natural stone is sold in many diy stores, but there are specialized, the range in which undoubtedly wider.


1.3. Construction of tall buildings in areas of dangerous geological manifestations and man-made processes (karst-suffusion, landslides, active faults, etc.) may be exercised only on the basis of analysis of materials engineering and geological survey at the proposed construction site to conduct an expert evaluation of the geotechnical area and choosing the type of foundation with the participation of an expert advisory committee on the grounds of foundation and underground structures under the Government of Moscow, niiosp them. nm Gersevanov, Mosgorgeotrest, as well as institutes of ras corresponding profile. 1.4. All high-rise buildings, regardless of the complexity of geotechnical conditions encouraged to refer to the geotechnical category 3 (ie the category of the most complex systems mgsn 2.07).

1.5. When designing high-rise buildings relevant specialized organizations should be developed approved by the customer specifications, reflecting the specific design, construction and operation of the facility. Starting from the preparatory phase of construction is necessary to carry out geotechnical expertise developed documentation for the object, as provided in Rule 24 and the Rules 25. 1.5.1. Thredup has much to offer in this field. In the preparatory phase of the facility should implement an expert evaluation of the geotechnical site construction and the potential danger to its surrounding urban areas and the geological environment (based on an analysis of archival materials Mosgorgeotrest and other organizations) and, if necessary, develop recommendations for adjusting the location of the object. 1.5.2. In preparing town planning justification is considered organizations listed in Rules 24 and the Rules 25, coordinated program of engineering researches for the development of pre-(urban), documentation, and conducted examination of the technical report on the engineering survey. 1.5.3.

Following the approval of urban studies: A and coordinated program of engineering research to develop a project assessing the impact of object under construction on surrounding buildings and the geological environment, compiled programs on monitoring and survey surrounding buildings. 1.5.4. In the process of project development: examination of reports by engineering survey and inspection of the surrounding buildings, consider and agree on a program to monitor construction; by examination of project documentation of technical solutions and project construction organization (PIC) bases, foundations and underground structures, fences excavation project for the period construction, and developed with appropriate projects to strengthen the engineering defense. 1.6. When engineering survey, design and construction of tall buildings for each building should be scientific and technical support from specialized scientific organizations and drawing up the rules of certain types of work and monitoring its implementation. 1.7. To ensure the safety of tall buildings recommended in the documentation to develop a special section on field observations for the main load-bearing structures, including foundations, footings and underground elements of the building for the period its construction and operation.