If the CRM is designed to control and track the work of the seller, this will never recognize its value and on the contrary will see it as more work, more controls and it will be an enemy of the system. As someone selling told me once. They have positioned ourselves that CRM which seems more an electronic shackle. Our recommendation in this process of implementing CRM for sales force is to have a high level of empathy and ask yourself: what is what sales people need? The following is a list of some of the elements that we consider important in the work of the seller. This can vary greatly, especially depending on the type of sale that the seller makes.
If it is a complex consultative selling, the variables are very different from a repetitive transactional sales (sales of consumables to a network of distributors, for example). Anyway there are some common elements that we describe below: handling of time. One seller’s most precious resource is time. Much to do and little time to do so. Therefore, optimizing the time is key to the seller.
A good CRM system is one that allows the seller plan their routes, schedule its commitments, optimize routes and have reminders of your tasks and actions. Associated with this factor is the fact not to implement CRM systems extremely focused on the capture of data (Data Entry). This is the enemy number one of the sellers. The seller has little time and if you force them to keep typing or entering large amounts of information into the system, this will cause it to immediately generate aversion to the use of the tool. Seek an abalance adequate amount of information to capture and the benefit that can be obtained from the same. Management of calendar and outstanding issues. Related to the previous topic, having an agile and simple Agenda management system is key to the seller.