Workmanship Ecology

Michael Lowy was born in So Paulo, in the end of the first half of century XX, had its academic formation initiated in the decade of 60 of the passed century, same time that also kept a militancy politics. The cited author currently is fit as a well-known intellectual, author of some publications, in which, we can evaluate a strong text politician and marxist in these workmanships. The cited workmanship was published, in view of the intention of the author, to work through a bibliographical dialogue and ideological the relation enters, the ambient fights and the socialist ideas, mainly at a moment of interseco between the two thematic ones, in what it says based respect to a critical one to the capitalist regimen. in this perspective that the intellectual presents in virtuose the cited workmanship, standing out a priori, a homage of the historical fight of the activist politician Chico Mendes, having the proper one, as a potential reference, in what the linking between the fight says respect ambient politics and. He is valid to stand out that the workmanship has a well-known on theoretical recital to the studies published for Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, such comment if proves, in diverse citations schematized for the author throughout the book. However, such commentary does not have objective to reduce the workmanship Ecology and Socialism, as a simple compilation of literal fragmentos, and yes, to stand out the intellectual authority that Lowy, withholds, in working Marx and Engels, among others bibliographical sources (marxist or not) with great maestria, through fruitful a literal dialogue..

Economic Development

In this component of the project, the joined alternative was the inclusion of part of the group in activities of selective collection and the commercialization of solid residues. – Water Ours the Program Water Ours, of the Company of Sanitation of the Federal District (Caesb) was created in 2002. The Program consists of the implantation of nets of water and sanitary sewer in habitacionais regions without this type of service and in areas of Economic Development of the DF. The Water Ours already arrived at the Arapoanga (Planaltina), Village Is Jose (Brazlndia) and Structural. 4. Results and Quarrel to identify the main public politics formulated and applied in the area, the research analyzed the journalistic substances of the Braziliense Post office in the period of July of 2001 the December of 2007.

The headings of substance and content of the selected news articles are only syntheses of the main displayed arguments. We stand out that the year of 1994 was marked by the beginning of the demographic explosion of the Village Structural e, the posterior years for an intense process of claims of the community for the regularization of the area. Year Month Day Fact 2001 June 23 – Growth Sped up of the Structural one gains new unfoldings with the irregular creation of the commerce sector, workshops and industries. Inhabitants disclose that the government makes seen thick to the appearance of these new lots. August 11 – The growth of the favelizao in Brasilia is stimulated by the donation of lots and absence of fiscalization of the Government of the Federal District. October 05 – Two hundred inhabitants of the Village charge of the GDF and the District Member of the house of representatives Jose Edmar the regularization of the place. 08 – Population of the Village charges hearing with the governor Joaquin Roriz to argue the regularization of the nesting.

Communication Advice

In the quarter Association of inhabitants does not exist Communitarian Advice nor, these basic ones for the structural locality that institutions development. The creation and performance of these agencies become urgent, as form to stimulate the social mobilization and the claim for better conditions of life before the municipal public agencies. Still it has very to be made so that the community if develops, mainly, of sustainable form. The population must perceive that much can make for the community where it inhabits will have a participativo planning, practical of strategies and the class action of ambient management and the claim of indispensable the public services (systematic collection of garbage, pavement, urban draining, post offices, commerce, public security, etc) to the competent municipal agencies. As Principle 10 of the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro Apud Ramid and Ribeiro standes out (1992, P.

155): ' ' The best way to treat ambient questions is to assure the participation, in the appropriate level, of all the citizens interessados' '. The evidenced reality takes to perceive us it that the lack of cares with the environment closely is associated with an Anthropocentric vision ahead of which the individuals usufruct erroneamente of the natural resources; at the same time where they need these resources, they tend to destroy them, transforming the environment of irresponsible form: deforesting, playing garbage in the streets, and consequently, harming and reaching the welfare collective. Such perspective also closely is related to the lack of ambient ethics. Pointing out that the ethics are linked the principles lived deeply socially, but that they demand an understanding, individual practical reflection and of the human being. We are beings partner-descriptions, we live in one definitive composed society for proper characteristics, endowed with principles, values, rules, contradictions, adversities, amongst other aspects. It fits, however, to each individual if to appropriate of these principles or aspects in order to favor the dissemination of the ethics and the good social functioning.

Majorcan Ramon Lull

In the waterworks of the (1232-1315), we have discovered combinatorial patterns with colors, letters, and geometric figures, which many see the first signs of the computer. Making an extremely free use and in turn limited by our own capabilities of the art combinatorial; start the specifics of our approach, considering the sides of a triangle to the three concepts that form the title of this communication. They are: energy rationing, economic restructuring.

Before being further broken down into different shapes, it is appropriate that our communication goes through the path of the outline, as it is used in architecture. Although the software tool today that allows totalitarian punctilious planning advances materialize Huxley and Orwell, we profess faith in freedom as the essence of the human condition.

And no wonder that detailed descriptive memory computerized tasks ending in failure who have completed plenty attempts that have attempted to move the indicative mood. It follows that what is implied nor has public policy claim. Just trying to communicate this content to people that in their respective circumstances, starting with their family groups, for public welfare institutions, businesses or the constellation of public authorities in framing their stocks may provide answers or replicas ductile flexible and lively, the questions already posed in a diversified way complex, contradictory, vague, uncertain and even uncontrollable.

Having made this digression we can imagine that in three dimensions, which formalizes the triangle, begin to differentiate the situations that make the triangle into a polyhedron so many ways beginning to assimilate a circle and with the tensions generated by this dynamic and diverse dimensions the circle has to move off, and look like an ellipse.

Public Power

(Writing given for the Law n 7,803 of 18.7.1989); i) in the areas metropolitans defined in law. (Alnea added for the Law n 6,535, of 15.6.1978). Art. 3 They are considered, still, of preservation permanent, when thus declared for act of the Public Power, the forests and too much destined forms of natural vegetation: ) to attenuate the erosion of lands; b) to fix dunes; c) to form bands of protection throughout highways and railroads; d) to assist it the defense of the domestic territory the criterion of the military authorities; e) to protect small farms of bonanza beauty or scientific or historical value; f) to put in a home units of the threatened fauna or flora of extinguishing; g) to keep the necessary environment to the life of the populations indians; h) to assure conditions of public well-being. In accordance with the Law N 4,771, of 15 of September of 1965 the Area of legal reserve is defined as: area located in the interior of a property or agricultural ownership, excepted of permanent, necessary preservation to the sustainable use of the natural resources, to the conservation and whitewashing of the ecological processes, to the conservation of biodiversity and to the shelter and protection of native fauna and flora. AMBIENT LICENSING OF the COUNTRY PROPERTIES OF Mato Grosso With the growth of the State of Mato Grosso directed for the activities of cattle agriculture and was necessary the creation of a responsible ambient agency for the control of the use of natural resources of sustainable form in accordance with the effective ambient legislation. Thus a public institution was created, current State Secretariat of Half Environment and initiate the Ambient Licensing of Country properties in the State. The responsible law for the Ambient Licensing of Country properties in the State of Mato Grosso is the Complementary Law N 232 of 21 of December of 2005 that it modified the State Code of the existing Environment since 1995 (Complementary Law N 38 of 21 of November of 1995), the Complementary Law N 233 of 21 of December of 2005 makes use on the forest politics of the State of Mato Grosso, the Decree N 8,188, of 10 of October of 2006 regulates the forest management of the State of Mato Grosso and, in N 01, of 11 of July of 2007, disciplines the administrative procedures of ambient licensing of the country properties in the State of Mato Grosso.

Enterprise Support

This and filantropia. Social responsibility is much more that this, is the commitment of the company in to contribute with the development, well-being and the improvement of the quality of life of its employees, its families and the community in general; it starts with the respect to that they work in the organization, to its values, the cultures and the beliefs. With the respect to the conditions of work offered by the proper organization. It continues with the concern in participating as member of the life of the local community, the city, the country, the planet. It is not simple task, therefore it demands radical change of mentality of enterprise management. Each time more, values it conscience of that a responsible term of office can bring innumerable benefits to the companies. In many depositions and research, the social responsibility appears as responsible for the support of the society and the consumers, for the preference of investors, an increasing space opened by the media, for a good organizacional climate, the conscription and retention of talentosas people.

We can affirm that the return of these investments if materialize through the following profits: in image and sales, for reinforcement and allegiance to the mark and the product; for the valuation of the company in the society and the market; in taxation, with the possibilities of fiscal exemptions in scopes municipal, state and federal for companies sponsors or directly for the projects; in productivity, for the biggest persistence and motivation of the employees; in return advertising executive happened of the spreading of spontaneous media and in social profits, for the mannering changes of the society.This is a species of ‘ ‘ stamp of qualidade’ ‘. Why? Today, great conscientious investors act under two concepts: pragmatic investor, that one that purchase action of companies listed in support indices because they believe that this company has more possibilities and to remain productive per the next decades and that they will suffer passive little judicial with labor law actions, ambient and social.

Emflora Forest Enterprises

The project of social action of the Emflora Forest Enterprises, ' ' Emflora in Ao' ' , it innovates for its characteristic to multidiscipline and improved methodologies applied in the activities of the project next to the communities. With ability and simplicity it grants to that they integrate entorno of the activities of the true company improvement in the quality of its lives. Everything this has a secret: commitment with sustainable and promotional actions of the common good. The project congregated forces next to company in this manner and its partnerships and at the beginning of 2011, concluded one year of sustainable work and social insertion nourished by the continuous success of its action. Beyond promoting the awareness, &#039 ambient; ' Emflora in Ao' ' it contemplates the communities with health services, cultural lectures of psychologists, entertainment and promotions as the book donation and the incentive the reading, beyond the diagnticas actions foreseen by an analysis of each region to be visited. Therefore and much more, its activities strengthen the meritrio act of receiving of international certifications as the BVQI in its standard of total quality.