The project of social action of the Emflora Forest Enterprises, ' ' Emflora in Ao' ' , it innovates for its characteristic to multidiscipline and improved methodologies applied in the activities of the project next to the communities. With ability and simplicity it grants to that they integrate entorno of the activities of the true company improvement in the quality of its lives. Everything this has a secret: commitment with sustainable and promotional actions of the common good. The project congregated forces next to company in this manner and its partnerships and at the beginning of 2011, concluded one year of sustainable work and social insertion nourished by the continuous success of its action. Beyond promoting the awareness, ' ambient; ' Emflora in Ao' ' it contemplates the communities with health services, cultural lectures of psychologists, entertainment and promotions as the book donation and the incentive the reading, beyond the diagnticas actions foreseen by an analysis of each region to be visited. Therefore and much more, its activities strengthen the meritrio act of receiving of international certifications as the BVQI in its standard of total quality.