Victory Parade

The victory over fascism, was produced from blood, unexampled heroism, hard work and enormous deadweight loss of the Soviet people, his boundless energy and belief in inevitable victory over the enemy, it is this faith has become decisive force that ensured our victory. 1418 days and nights of the Soviet people fought a bloody war against the fascist aggressors and crushed them. The people defended the freedom and independence of their homeland to escape the Nazi enslavement of the world civilization. On the night of May 9, 1945 Muscovites were not asleep. At 2 am on the radio announced that they will be sent an important message. At 2 hours 10 minutes announcer Yuri Levitan read the Act of military surrender of Nazi Germany and Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of declaring May 9 day of national celebration – Victory Day. People happily greeted each other with the long-awaited victory. Thredup: the source for more info.

There were banners. People became more and more, and all moved to Red Square. By the same author: Hikmet Ersek. Started in a spontaneous demonstration. Happy faces, songs, dance to the accordion. In the evening there were fireworks: Thirty bursts of thousands of guns in honor of the Great Victory. In June 1945, in Moscow's Red Square was decided to hold a ceremonial Victory Parade. Zhukov recalled how, a week before the parade, Stalin summoned him and jokingly asked if he had not forgotten how to ride a horse. 'No, not forgotten', – answered the marshal. 'You have to take parade Victory '.

Foreign Affairs

He took an active part in the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (October 1943), Tehran (November-December 1943), Yalta (February 1945), Potsdam (July-August 1945) conferences of heads of great powers. Winston Churchill, who learned well while Molotov, said of him: 'I've never seen Human beings are more suited to a contemporary understanding of the machine. And yet, while he was obviously intelligent and well-polished diplomat … His smile and often wise words, his kind manners make him an ideal spokesman for Soviet policy in the world situation, in mortal danger. " Despite the usual courtesy, Molotov was able on occasion to needle the interlocutor apt word.

In November 1940 he met in Berlin with the German leadership. Suddenly a siren, and the interlocutors had to go down to the shelter. Joachim Ribbentrop said that almost destroyed the British Empire. (A valuable related resource: Jeff Gennette). Molotov remarked sarcastically in response: "If Britain is broken, why are we sitting in this shelter? And whose is bombs falling so close that the explosions could be heard even here them? '. Winston Churchill talked a lot with Molotov during the war, wrote of him: 'He was such a cannon nucleus head, black mustache and piercing eyes, his face stony, dexterity and speech reflected his equanimity good merit and skill. His smile of Siberian winter, his carefully considered and often wise words, his affable carriage made him the perfect instrument of Soviet policy in the world breathing death. Before they reach old age, I am glad that I did not have to endure the tension, what he was – I would prefer not to be born.

" Molotov has worked hard to beat. Perhaps the only one he allowed to show in public sentiment. This happened in May 1942 in London, immediately after the signing of the Anglo-Soviet treaty of alliance. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was happy that changed the course of Soviet foreign policy: the memory of the fatal error of the prewar period, tormented him. Then the prime minister himself held Russian guest to the garden gate of the mansion on Downing Street. Here is a description of Churchill scene of farewell: "I shook his hand, and we looked at each other's eyes. Suddenly he seemed deeply touched. Under the guise of a man came into view. He replied to me as a strong handshake, We silently clasped hands with each other. " In all other cases, the Molotov-diplomat, according to contemporaries, were extremely cool, impenetrable secrecy and the official correct. Molotov played an important role in the postwar world in the development and signing of peace treaties, the device of the new boundaries, addressing problems of reparations. His voice sounded loudly at meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers, in meetings UN . 'His task as Minister of Foreign Affairs (since 1946 in the People's Commissars of the USSR began to call the ministers), I saw that as much as possible to extend the limits of our country … I beat the peace treaty of States', – Vyacheslav Mikhailovich recalled.


Russia was by no means entirely illiterate. Knowledge letters, invoices required in many sectors of business and other activities. Birchbark documents of Novgorod and other centers, a variety of written records (records, stories, etc.), writing on craft products (Coins, stamps, bells, arms, jewelry, art casting, etc.) suggests that educated people have never been translated in Russia, not only among the monks, but also artisans and merchants. Were they among the boyars and nobles. Wealthy people were written record of their farms, from the XVI century. survived various accounting books, documents, spiritual abodes – monasteries, copies of the documents of earlier times. Available scientists, despite the loss of Batu era and later, the Horde "ratey", there is still a lot of handwritten material in XIV-XVI centuries. This – the documents (the spiritual letters, contracts greats, including Moscow, and the princes, economic acts Russian metropolis, episcopal, monasteries), lives of saints, chronicles, and many others.

There are other guidelines for grammar, arithmetic, herbal therapy (Azbukovnik, herbalists, etc.). Accumulated practical observations, knowledge of construction equipment (were needed in the construction of buildings), dynamics (calculated flight range of stones, the nuclei of battering and other devices, from guns, which appeared in the late XIV century.) Applied Physics (coinage, casting cannon, assembly and repair of mechanical movement), Applied Chemistry (manufacture of paints, inks), arithmetic and geometry (description of land dealings, etc.). Descriptions of natural phenomena (Eclipses, earthquakes, etc.) are frequent in the chronicles. Translations were popular works – "Christian topography" of Cosmas Indicopleustes (traveler VI.) "Six Days" John, the Exarch of Bulgarian, "Gromnik" and other astronomical observations are given in Russian manuscript collections, medical – in the same annals (description of illness).


In recent years it had a considerable increase in what it says respect to the virtual nets of sociability and relationships as Orkut, Facebook and the Twitter, being this the object of our study. Of the English language, the verb ' ' tweet' ' , that it means to piar of birds, takes the twitteiros of planto to follow, on line, the gorjeios? in form of messages of up to 140 characters? of that if they had considered to follow. In an unpretentious relation with the Flautista de Hamelin? German folclrico story published by the Grimm brothers in century XIX? despite it seems a little constrangedor, is possible to make an analogy of the history of the musician of the city of Hamelin, that, when receiving the incumbency to finish with the rats that infested that locality, obtained success by means of the sound of its flute. With its melody, it attracted all the rats for far it drowned and them in a river. However, frustrated with the refusal of the payment for the authority city dweller, the musician, in an act of revenge, hipnotiza all the children of the city take and them even so obtain, thus leaving, that desolate and unhappy city. It can seem risvel, if it was not nonsense excessively to compare the followers of the melody of the above-mentioned musician with the users of the Twitter in question, that, as hipnotizados, follow and answer to the chosen ditames of its in an act of almost proselitista devotion. He is well-known to point out despite the increase of information and proportionate communication for the Internet in recent years made of the individual an isolated being that interacts with excessively without the necessity leaving its particular environment. Of this form, the wave of the social nets in the Internet directed toward the creation of virtual communities devaluates each time more the social relations in set with the family, the school, the church, isolating the individual, restricting its performance in this scope and contributing for the growth of the egoism, the omission, of the apathy, beyond collaborating for the sprouting of psychological riots, as the depression.


The Social movements in the old republic the old Republic was the period between 1889 has 1930, when the movement put down president Washington Luis of the power. During this period the oligarchies had been consolidated in the power supported in its wealth, but also in a structure typical politics developed by the elites. In the 1891 constitution little it regulated on social matters. Therefore, the destination of poor remained at the hands of the ruling class. Without enjoying of the benefits of the Republic, peasants and laborers had declared agricultural and urban movements that had contested the model effective politician. To understand a little more on the social movements that had even occurred in Brazil of the old republic and in our times of today, we have that to know that the social movements had started very before the great social movements that they had occurred in the world, as the French revolution, the Iluminismo, the Renaissance and other more. The first social movements had started in old Rome before Christ in century 494, when the inaqualities politics between patricians and plebeian they had generated great conflicts, hundreds of rebelled plebeians if had removed for the Sacred Mount (the Aventino Mount) and had threatened not to fight in the army case its claims were not taken care of. Between diverse requirement the plebeians had obtained to choose its proper magistrates, the Tribunos of the Common people, had obtained in 450 a.C the publication of the written laws, that assured the legal equality of the patricians and plebeian, and the question of the agrarian reform who the Roman politicians had as its main problem, and the Tibrio brothers and Caio Graco had carried through reforms in order to solve the problems of the social inaquality making an agrarian law that limited the extension of the real properties of the nobility and authorizeing the public land distribution for the plebeians, but this project was not accepts in 132 a.C, Tibrio Graco and more than 500 partisans of the agrarian law had been assassinated, for the great land proprietors who if had opposed against the law.

Enterprise Coach

You have seted out to improve the communication with your pair, but every day they discuss but, and they are not able to establish a constructive dialogue and respectful, similarly we must enter to us in our interior conscientiously and to find what is the intrinsic necessity superior that it impels to discuss to us, to fight and not to platicar pacifically reasonable and. Another example, I want to improve my economic condition, substantially, but itself doing the same, working in the same, saying just like five or ten years back. Without a true commitment with the TRUTH, YOUR TRUTH the change is a chimera and the autosaboteo your sad reality. 2. – Intention of Change.

It is important that after to have identified the HIDDEN necessity you propose a change intention, and undertake NEW action that allows YOU to satisfy the necessity hides identified and to demonstrate those changes. Through the car observation, you internalise, takings decisions that will allow to determine the causes you of I sabotage and to surpass it. Martha Baldwin in its Autosabotaje book, considers that our objective is not to clear to us of the saboteur, but to domesticate it and to take advantage of its energy and creativity to us so that it stops being an enemy and is transformed into an ally. " You must learn to eliminate the autosabotaje – moment says to the author to moment and step by step until the saboteur no longer owns a destructive force and has become a partner who accompanies in the way towards his metas". 3. – Finally, The valuation of the profits and the pursuit of the process will allow you to make the adjustments necessary to achieve the initial objectives and to overcome any problem that it prevents you to reach it, It is important to include/understand that once taken care of all our parts in conflict the sabotaging behavior finishes and we become very efficient people in the profit from the objectives and I put raised. Maria Tirone Economist Personal and Enterprise Coach You can participate doing clik in the following Link of the group of Prosperity: To live in the Abundance #post27240 Original author and source of the article.