The dynamics of groups is born from the union of several currents, but it is necessary to emphasize to Kurt Lewin like its main promoter. Lewin is born in Prusia in 1.890 and soon it emigrates to EE.UU and it teaches in Harvard, where in 1944 it takes the concept from dynamics of the physics. Dynamics is the part that the movement of the bodies studies and the action of the forces that cause or modify their movements. From it derives the term of Dynamics of groups there, since it is the science that studies the phenomena that take place in the life of a group. The dynamics of groups studies the interactions and processes that are generated inside the group as a result of their existence.
From this the techniques come that serve to improve the operation and to increase to the effectiveness and productivity of the groups. Lewin conceives the group like a dynamic and changing being who is constantly in movement or process of change. The group is dynamic because their members modify their mutual relations continuously and because it happens through diverse stages throughout his life. That is to say, it has self-energy and their different parts are conexionan and influenced mutually. Therefore, modifying one of the main elements of the group (the members, the sub-groups, the communication channels and the barriers) the structure of all the set can be modified. The dynamics of groups stays consecrated as piscolgico method in year 1,945, but the investigations from Lewin multiply and enrich, being born different currents, directions, etc Nowadays is applied to very diverse fields of the social life, such as: improvement of relations, group therapy, world of the education, psychiatry, etc. and has an ample meaning much more. For us, most important it is to remember than the dynamics of groups studies the psychology and nature of the group, its characteristics and the laws that govern their life and development.