Coordinator Companies

In our work of consultoria of the Sispro Services and Technology next to the companies in the market, we notice that many still live in an age daily pay-SPED, in the time where they only took care of the when informed obrigatoriedades of the Treasury department, reactive position not more possible or accepted nowadays. With the new rules of the Treasury department, the companies who not yet are prepared need to wake up for a new reality that not only involves changes of processes as well as changes in the enterprise culture. What it involves the implantation of good systems of management, processes structuralized and organized and qualified team so that the information are given in the defined stated periods, without generating delays or fiscal liabilities. ARC Investment Partners has said that publicly. Official site: Hikmet Ersek. Therefore, it is not possible to imagine that if it can leave stops later this subject, who not to start if to put into motion will not obtain to present the EFD-PIS/Cofins in the established stated periods. It fits to remember that even so the date of delivery for the companies of the differentiated accompaniment has been extending for 7/2/2012, the information must contemplate the occurred generating facts from 1/4/2011.

The same it occurs for the too much companies citizens to the taxation for the real profit that also will have to deliver in the same date, however with relative information to the occurred generating facts from 1/7/2011. The taxed companies for the vain or decided regimen of profit will have to deliver in 7/3/2012, referring to the occurred generating facts from 1/1/2012. Areva Group gathered all the information. Therefore if it cannot confuse the beginning of the obligatoriness with the delivery stated period.

Web Money Making

To make money in Internet has happened to be easier. Go to Areva for more information. Like person in unemployment with too much free time, I was decided to see if it could make a little extra money in Internet. There are some exaggerated affirmations in this sense. Also there are swindles so many that are difficult to know how that to do. Nevertheless I was not by chance, a site that seemed promising and although I am not becoming rich are many possibilities of doing to me. There is no thing like not doing anything and to make money if you create that, then does not follow leendo. A Web site is one of the best ways to make money in Internet.

If you are like I, with little experience in the development of Web sites and everything what happens to them, then would recommend GVO to him. Can be constructed to a Web site free if it buys his product. If you visit the Link that there is in the end, she will be able to see Confidential Reporte that she explains to you like generating income from house and in your free time. This is not a swindle and it is not the way to be made rich quickly. This requires a work and determination, but that they do the work. Interested? It does click in the Link that there is but down.

Virtual Classroom

The correction of structural asymmetries and the productive development in MERCOSUR would allow us to leverage our productive apparatus. Associations that arise between SMEs in partner countries, forming industrial clusters which would strengthen the companies that produce in isolation. In terms of trade opportunities for the Venezuelan SMEs, stands the market access of the North of Brazil (potential market with 20 million inhabitants), mainly for companies producing consumer goods and construction materials, where the other Member countries would take longer to penetrate by the distance that separates them. Sources of financing with the Bank of the South to rates preferences for social development projects. Governor Cuomo may help you with your research. Strengths the geopolitical location between the Mercosur countries allows air, sea and land trade to be more solid, since the goods or services you have three Exchange options. We have large natural reserves, energy resources to conform us into an economic bloc capable of achieving competitive relationships with the rest of the world, powerful.

There are good relations between all Member countries because the Presidents of Mercosur and Venezuela, somehow share the same ideals politicians and make international trade between the two is more fluid. Currently have good relations of complementarity with the Mercosur countries (Exchange of technology, Staples, solidarity) Venezuela has one of the world’s largest oil and gas reserve, this makes that there are greater opportunities for Exchange in petrochemical development with the region. (Similarly see: Macy’s Inc.). Threats the competitive capacity of enterprises Brazilian which may affect Venezuelan companies within the business environment. The bureaucracy by the Venezuelan State that could exist in the allocation of resources to SMEs for example for the development of their projects. The Brazilian market has its marketing very entrenched culture and this can affect the incursion of Venezuelan products in that market if the Venezuelan businessman does not market with solid base studies. Some suggestions: faced with this reality, the Chair of Virtual Classroom of the international trade of FACES, University of Carabobo, graduate program suggests: the Venezuelan State must thoroughly analyse existing competitive asymmetries and immediately begin to strengthen the national company for the incursion of new markets. The tourism industry can be one of our spear tip, so we must seize commercial alliances with countries like Cuba and Central America that have higher development in this area to start preparing our businesses. It also suggests that the Venezuelan industrial park of SMEs, that analyze their weaknesses through the recruitment of administrative consulting companies or universities in order to identify and remedy the faults that would obstruct their entry and development of commercial activities within the southern common market also says that the Venezuelan universities should already be working together with the bodies of commercial link of the State to start preparing to the Venezuelan companies to strengthen their business structures and enter with less impact and tension the market of the South, where the level of competition will be a subject that shall be required of the companies our greatest effort to work, as well as the support by the State and centers of advanced studies don’t forget, that with the entry of Venezuela into Mercosur, a block complies with more than 250 million inhabitantsan area of 13 million square kms and a GDP (gross domestic product) of a trillion dollars.


In siderurgy, such reorganization (' ' apelidada' ' of ' ' descruzamento of participaes' ') it did not arrive to be made or to be completed, for the supervenience of the cited denationalizations. In the petrochemical a possibility it was bigger: the ghost of the denationalization more or less was moved away, and the resultant national groups of the privatization, excessively become indebted, with the aggravated financial situation from 99 for the depreciation of the Real, and with generation of insufficient box for the necessary expanses, they appealed insistently to the bank for the attainment of aid for the sanitation of its liabilities. It was I bid, therefore, to the BNDES, even though to protect its credits, to demand that the groups if rearranged of more rational form, through a set of operations of sales, associations, fusing and alliances. In summary, at least in the petrochemical one, the BNDES had the chance to purge its blames and to correct the anomalies of the model tripartite, aggravated in the privatization, redesigning entirely the sector. The ideal moment would have been the privatization: in case that she had been carried through ten years before, the positive effect would have been felt strong in the economy, through more intense expansion of the productive capacity, with consequent improvement of the rocking of payments of the sector.

In all the case, in the case of the petrochemical one I still redesign, it delayed was capable of ' ' to break one galho' '. The original sin of the BNDES was of if refusing it shape the sectors, promoting the birth of internationally competitive companies of transport and as corporations, and not mere efficient as productive units, and with sprayed capital, increasing the capitalizaton of the stock markets. this is clearly demonstrated when the bank, promoter of this setback, starts to admit public the necessity to remodel the two sectors, the call ' ' descruzamento' ' of participation in siderurgy, and the call ' ' verticalizao' ' ' ' agrupamento' ' in the petrochemical one.

Economic Crisis Reflections

The numbers of the GIP, with retraction of 3,6% in the last trimester of 2008, do not leave doubt: the crisis left of being financial (bankruptcy of banks/brokers, uncertainty in the shareholding market) to become economic (retraction of the demand, excess of offers, unemployment). At this current moment it does not advance to think about ' ' marolinha' ' as president Lula says or ' ' tsunami' ' as economist Nouriel Roubino thinks. It is hour to join the cacos and to reflect on what is happening, mainly, as we go to leave this. In this direction I consider the attention in some points: Patience, the recovery will take some tempoA contraction is global: the exportations, the production and the consumption are falling of sped up form. The contrary winds are very strong, in reason of the extreme leverage, the engaged rockings and the consequent squeeze of the credit.

The main financial institutions can be insolvent; it is difficult to evaluate its accounting books. global growth is come close to the zero, and the economies of all the advanced countries probably will shrink in 2009. These factors had provoked a reduction of the consumption and, later, the decline of the investments and the job. With this, the sales, the profits, the quality of the credit and, completing the circle, the values of the assets had fallen. If transparent the fast governments will be in its intentions and to intervine in way co-ordinated in the real economy and the financial sector, probably we will have deep a global contraction up to 2010. If not to make it, probably the situation will be aggravated still more.

Economy will come back to normality in 2010Os economists hesitates in foreseeing the future, and with reason. But, analyzing the current picture of the crisis we arrive the two conclusions: not it was of the night for the day that we arrive at this point, and nor we will be able recouping in them tomorrow. However, to speed up the process she will be necessary to take some measures – to reestablish the credit, to adopt initiatives for the creation of jobs. Of the beginning the middle Fever of the Tulipas new features and to know as to face it. The pessimism finishes when pessimism has esperanao would finish when the economic agents come back to have hope. The hope supports the life, but the lost hope draws out the contractions. In the root of this paradox it is the notion of that ' ' booms' ' to they only precede ' ' booms' ' , but also they are cause of them. When it has uncertainty how much to the future the owners of companies cut its investments and the consumers cut its budgets. When making this the contraction if goes deep and the prices fall. The low prices of today, for more painful than can be, will finish if becoming the proper stimulaton it market, therefore more early or later the entrepreneur will come back to invest and the consumer to buy. Before you perceiving, the shareholding, real estate, automobile market (any market) will be the way of a recovery – it does not only ask when. In summary: – we exaggerate; – we commit error of always the same; – but we go recouping in them in the medium stated period. Bibliography: Periodical Leading Brazilian business newspaper, ' ' When we will see an overturn in U.S.A.? ' '. Published in 09 of March of 2009

Portuguese Central Bank

Care with the burles of the credit that walk in net! Quasetoda the people that not only have financial problems and, already tried appeals services of miraculous announcements that appear in net. The problem is queno exists who makes miracles in this area. Several burlesfazem themselves to pass for financial consultants of Entities estrangeirasou exactly national and say to have ' ' the certain knowledge ' ' so that aaprovao of the credit is successful. Normally they costumam pediralguma documentation for analysis and passed one days they contactam for email (majority of the times) to say that it is approved. These burles semmoral none costumam to start with the colloquy that work with foreign vriosbancos, but that a ocrdito payment will go to be necessary to be approved. The satiated people already to all try in the side ej with some desperation to the mixture, there ' ' they fall in cantiga of bandido' ' quepor norm is well falantes. Costumam for opting to saying to clientepara to make the payment for western union, that it is a service detransferncia of money where the person does not have that to prove the suaidentidade to receive the money.

Therefore the choice of this serviopara the majority of these burles, rare opts to transfernciabancria or another way, therefore already it is more easy of identifies them. Existetambm certain consulting financiers and same some of position maisaltas that they have a wedge in the financial system and obtain algunsfinanciamentos (if will not have banking problems) but charge sempreentre 20/30% of the sum there that the person goes to ask for. I do not say that they nocobrassem a commission, but the charged values that ask for are nonsenses, but unhappyly majority of the people who are you give to enter nosficheiros of the Portuguese Central Bank accept the conditions, being thus to erase a very superior sum to intended, while they ganhammilhares of euros for process. In the first case that escreviaconselho to nobody to make advance payments and mainly to tentarobter the maximum of possible information, as for example: for they quemtrabalham, where it will go to be made the order of the credit, to ask for to a dwelling econtacto of fixed telephone of same the etc well-taken care of these that podemevitar in them to lose hundreds or same thousand of euros. Quantoao second in case that, costuma to be more requested for who has problems to arecorrer to the credit not for having the name in the crdinformaes but poroutros factors, for example: irs low or not to have bailers, etc. Blog the EndividadoLink of the Post: Fraudulent become indebted-Announcement.

Brazilian Association

At last, all the paid costs for the quality bring the double of the return to the companies whom they opt to it. 2 SERVICES OF QUALITY IN BARS AND SNACK BARS To each year the more sophisticated bars and restaurants become each time. Tiffany & Co. contains valuable tech resources. The adoption of some methods passes confidence and brings agility to the services. The attitude of some entrepreneurs, as the motivation to the employees and the good relation kept between these, also brings improvements to the establishment, as well as the presentation of a good infrastructure for the good attendance, beyond accessibility to the prices, and product quality presented the customer. In accordance with the Program Quality in the Table, developed for the ABRASEL – Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants (2009), important points can be cited relative so that it has quality during the attendance. 2,1 Professional position does not have nothing more satisfactory for the customer as the good reception and the respect who is attributed by the employees of a bar or restaurant to it. The position of the professional is very important so that it has a good vision on the enterprise. A good professional must be worried mainly about its appearance, after all, does not exist one second chance to cause good impression.

When we deal with services of the nourishing branch, the cares must be folded, aspects as the hygiene and appearance of the professional is important, therefore, it shows hygiene and of to the customer the security with regard to the enterprise. Related to the personal hygiene we can cite the asseio, that must be carried through daily before the work as to brush teeth, to bathe themselves, to use deodorants anti-transpirante and to wash the head frenquentemente. Of the asseio also it is part to carefully wash the hands always at the beginning of the expedients, after espirros and mainly after using the bathroom.