(Writing given for the Law n 7,803 of 18.7.1989); i) in the areas metropolitans defined in law. (Alnea added for the Law n 6,535, of 15.6.1978). Art. 3 They are considered, still, of preservation permanent, when thus declared for act of the Public Power, the forests and too much destined forms of natural vegetation: ) to attenuate the erosion of lands; b) to fix dunes; c) to form bands of protection throughout highways and railroads; d) to assist it the defense of the domestic territory the criterion of the military authorities; e) to protect small farms of bonanza beauty or scientific or historical value; f) to put in a home units of the threatened fauna or flora of extinguishing; g) to keep the necessary environment to the life of the populations indians; h) to assure conditions of public well-being. In accordance with the Law N 4,771, of 15 of September of 1965 the Area of legal reserve is defined as: area located in the interior of a property or agricultural ownership, excepted of permanent, necessary preservation to the sustainable use of the natural resources, to the conservation and whitewashing of the ecological processes, to the conservation of biodiversity and to the shelter and protection of native fauna and flora. AMBIENT LICENSING OF the COUNTRY PROPERTIES OF Mato Grosso With the growth of the State of Mato Grosso directed for the activities of cattle agriculture and was necessary the creation of a responsible ambient agency for the control of the use of natural resources of sustainable form in accordance with the effective ambient legislation. Thus a public institution was created, current State Secretariat of Half Environment and initiate the Ambient Licensing of Country properties in the State. The responsible law for the Ambient Licensing of Country properties in the State of Mato Grosso is the Complementary Law N 232 of 21 of December of 2005 that it modified the State Code of the existing Environment since 1995 (Complementary Law N 38 of 21 of November of 1995), the Complementary Law N 233 of 21 of December of 2005 makes use on the forest politics of the State of Mato Grosso, the Decree N 8,188, of 10 of October of 2006 regulates the forest management of the State of Mato Grosso and, in N 01, of 11 of July of 2007, disciplines the administrative procedures of ambient licensing of the country properties in the State of Mato Grosso.