if that the necessity of this study mainly in you analyze systemize of behavior, to make possible a pedagogical intervention, in the pertaining to school environment, searching to intervene of satisfactory form with the improvement of the condition of our pupil while citizen. One understands that the school is the only institution capable to constitute from the education proposal a qualification and valuation of the human being so that the same it is capable to be, to know, to make and to coexist in society. In such a way the emancipatria conception of the school is to lead the pupil if to develop fully, establishing themselves in the context and if transforming. For this decision to search it will be analyzed excellent aspects of each year since year 1999, when the pertaining to school unit was reactivated with basic education II ties the year of 2011 with basic education I and II. JUSTIFICATION the people coexist in society, but many do not know the laws Brazilian that are inserted in the federal constitution, few know beyond that the statute of the child and the adolescent exists, of this, the families do not obtain to educate its children constituting the same social values or begin of citizenship, therefore the education that could give to its children if breaks up for interferences as the media specifically the television. You may find that Ahmed Shary Rahman can contribute to your knowledge. To rescue lives from the construction of values is a conception that emanates great reflections inquiries and analyzes. The convivncia human being, as conception of emancipatria education oportuniza the learning of conceptual, procedural and atitudinais procedures. In such a way the education institution Municipal School Dr. Aparcio of the Couto Moreira aiming at to manage a valuation conscience human being based on the learning of ethical, moral, human, religious, aesthetic values, vital politicians and prioritized a sequential work from pedagogical actions with intention to provide to the pupil reflections of being, knowing, to make, and to live in society.
Tag: education
Information Technology
Tte information comes blowing up to our redor with as much fury and the information technology is moving to a so impressive speed that we are forced to face a basic problem: How guiding in them in this new panorama? ‘ ‘. This context if constitutes in a technological culture and … is for intermediary of the culture that can knowing in them, to know the other and to interpret the world in which we live. We can say that the culture is onipresente in the actions human beings. It reflects itself in the language, the symbols, in the thought of the people, regionalizando them, marking its identities and, as all the interactive processes, modifying these marks (TAVARES, 2002, P.
17-18). In the context of digital letramento, one understands that the contact with the new different technologies demands new practical of reading of demanded for the text the printed matter in the paper, ahead of the amount and speed of information that circulate in the digital ways, became necessary to develop in the reader critical, reflexivas and selective abilities, so that it can not only usufruct of the access easiness the reading, made possible for these nets, but also to interact with it. ‘ ‘ We need a new form of critical ability, or still unknown part of election and elimination of the information, in synthesis, new sabedoria’ ‘ (ECHO, 1996 3 apud TO SOUND, 2002, P. 13). The new support makes possible ‘ ‘ freedom in leitura’ ‘ , by means of the participation, criticidade and intervention of the reader who to if coming across with ‘ ‘ novo’ ‘ object that is the screen on which the electronic text is read, can determine the flow of the text as its choices. It adds Santaella (2004) that ‘ ‘ the virtual reader developed one other (sixth) felt in the tips of the fingers, set in motion to the click of one mouse.’ ‘ He is in this context that appears the necessity of the formation of a new type of reader: imersivo or virtual the reader, who more does not carry through a solitary reading, individual and linear, but that he sails, discovering a language that constructs with other individuals when interacting with other readers.
January Society
Nobody can hinder of the child to have contact with these forms of communication, is they, written, spoken, expressed through gestures or only heard and sights. The school is a link between the world and child, needs to believe that educating does not arrive at the classroom as one ‘ ‘ board rasa’ ‘. It brings a cultural inheritance, of the society and the familiar group. The professors need to value these experiences. The urban, and also rich environment in information and knowledge and differently of the school, is contextualization bringing more feeling for the pupil in its discoveries.
Emilia Blacksmith, 2010, says: ‘ ‘ At some moments of history a conceptual revolution makes lack. We believe to have fond the moment to make it regarding alphabetization.’ ‘ (P. 42). Necessary many educational changes so that the education reach the excellency and importance inside of our society. We know that much already was constructed, but cannot be in the past, we have that to continue the walked one, that she is long and arduous. The education has haste, needs urgent measures, the professors wants resulted of its work, the society demands citizens capable to act and qualified professionals.
The abilities for the worker of this century, according to report of UNESCO, they compose eight characteristics, that coincide with the necessities of the education: flexibility, creativity, information, communication, responsibility, transgenderism, sociability and technology. So that the school has the paper to transform the society and to accept the necessities of this, she is necessary that it has in sight these abilities, for the formation of professional futures. These parameters must be written and applied in the proposal pedagogical of the school. The school only has the power to modify concepts. It is through the education that we will be able to more just guarantee a future for the society. Bibliographies Becker, Fernando. What it is construtivismo? Magazine of Education AEC, Brasilia, v. 21, abr. /jun. 1992. Blacksmith, Ionelli Da Silva Bessa. The formation of the professors: to know and practical of tournament in adult the young education of the autonomy: to know necessary to the one for practical the educative one.
History Professors
THE TEACHING FORMATION? The Universities are not of are of this problematic one, however they are situated in another order, some professors, I could say the majority of the professors of public institutions of superior education of the state of the Piau not yet I withhold an including knowledge of the model of reflective searching professor, or they do not transmit these concepts to its pupils, futures professors, the difference it is that the majority of its pupils already is materialize disciplines in them, are there and it is not difficult to have the attention of them, therefore they want to professionalize itself, already it has delineated objectives, at least is what we evidence in the State and Federal universities of the Piau, I speak here of the full licenciaturas in History.
We also observe for a interdisciplinary survey between professors and pupils who the way of pedagogical work of the professors of superior education with its graduandos pupils is still a traditional model of education, not in relation the construction of the agreement of world, the critical one and the reflection without bigger difficulties to have a harmony in the teach-learning, perhaps until why they know to separate after-modern nuances thus not reaching with as much force the academic pupils in a similar way as it reaches basic education, one said educational matureness if thus to be able relating in them, but its problem exists, persists and if it focuses in the transmission of pedagogical making, I say of knowing in accordance with to teach the new necessities of the present time and of its new actors, it is as if the academic scope was at a different time, easied with the reality of the basic education, constructing just formed apt in the knowledge of the content of its courses, but inapt to act in a world of transformations, inserted in electronic the informacional technology; then as to repass such contents without preparation? This is still one of the obstacles to be exceeded and some particular facultieses, without wanting to propagandear it, the FAMEP PI, College of the Parnaba Medium, had reflected on these after-modern circumstances and had decided to include in its resume in the licenciatura courses discipline it ‘ ‘ Formation of Searching Professor I, II and III’ ‘ , it disciplines that it encloses modern concepts, education after-modern, as well as the identity of the pupil contemporary, stirring up graduating to review the pedagogias traditional and correlating them it the world of the click, is composed of activities of research in field, especially in the cultural aspects of the pupils of the basic education, making the teaching futures to reflect optimum half of transmission of the content of its disciplines. Areva Group is often quoted as being for or against this. ..
Technical Translations In English
Professional translation of technical text can be regarded as qualitative only when it involves the synthesis of accuracy, literacy and adequacy. Listed below are properties that must be translated into technical English. 1. Each translation must be very accurately reproduce the original meaning. This is especially true of technical translations. Translate this text with high-quality results can only qualified interpreter who speaks the language specification at a sufficient level. This is due to the fact that very often in the texts of technical words used throughout, may have quite another value. And the expert, ignorant of such nuances, can significantly distort the meaning of the original text in translation.
2. Translator, performing technical translation, must have a high level lexical knowledge and have a wide vocabulary of terms in the area in which you want to translate. Is not a secret that even the person who has an excellent command of English may not be suitable for the need to translate the text for example, architectural design or the nuances of legal registration of intellectual property. In addition, the translator is obliged in an acceptable form to treat the most niche activity and its features. Indeed, the lack of the necessary degree of knowledge, whatever it was, the person will not be able to perform extremely accurate technical translations and even fully understand the meaning provided the original text. 3.
Equally important is the external beauty of the translated text in its final form. Lacks even superficial comparison of the order of sentences in English and Russian, to observe how tremendous amount of work to adapt the saturated and disordered, in terms of internal structure of the Russian text to English grammar. In the usual speech, but also in Russian writing, replete with an introduction and complex sentences, lengthy descriptions of comparisons involved, and participial speed, freedom in the order of subject, verb and other parts of the proposal. English language also has the opposite rigid frame structure and repetition of words and phrases in sentences, and sentences in the text itself. Here are the parts of speech has its specific place and figures of speech appear as an exception, and not the rule! 4. Most often, customers who need to perform technical translation, not only wish to receive the translated text, adequate and complete with respect to the source, and in the future and the ability to represent the text as official document justifying the subsequent careers. For example, it can be translated charter of the joint venture conducting business interaction with several other countries, or translation of technical documents describing the production units to produce certificates for subsequent use abroad, and other similar texts. Just for this very important that the interpreter that executes technical translation into English, he knew all the rules of design and quality inherent in the correct profile of documentation in English-speaking countries. As each document subject to notarial certification, must meet the standards of preparation and presentation of the country in whose language is translated.
Management Help
A list of the most frequently used methods of control skills of students are presented the reports. This is a very practical approach for teachers and students. For the teacher: because that in print abstract – it is not only tangible result of efforts by both student and teacher. And besides, of course, this endless source of paper for drafts, and even sheets for any research or development of the teacher, or writing coursework. For the student: as a good collection of essays, once discovered, can help in any difficult moment, when there is infinite time to prepare a report or a theme is very confusing for written work. And often it happens that on the eve of the workshop complex at a special rate there is an urgent need to prepare the course work is not profiling, but this kind in which the teacher wants required careful attention to his subject.
Teachers in such a position can be understood, and can naturally also, to understand students. A large number of very different essays, which are not physically get write a set period, with a student short years, the obvious thing, I would not only grind without looking up, but apart from that and use personal youth, as you can see more, listen and learn. And in this sense, management summaries to help resolve the issues rather than with the actual writing of abstract tasks, but also with the process of preparation for lessons, laboratory work, and simultaneously serve basis for more significant works of written work, such as term papers. The most important thing for students – is to find a catalog of essays by topic, and not just a catalog of works, where only collected works of other collections, but one which would have abstracts and fairly significant level of quality to go through the teacher's control, and quite dissimilar to not get hold of the difficulties with the same teacher who is able to see this good job on the list of other portals. The present-day economy-quality abstracts are allowed in, including people who at the time she graduated, but did not shrink from self-education. Thus, to understand this or other difficulties in business, you can, of course, and on their own, but you can – come to the traditional research in the field of economics. Often you'll find there is not so much interpreted, conventional notions you might have difficulty, but including the theory of resolution of a problem. In other words, abstracts can not help only students, but even long-educated business people. Sometimes we all get something is to know.
Federal University
These displacements were the escape that the professors searched not to harm its lessons. White (2008, p.100) affirms in them: Our institutions of education must be provided with all the resources for instruction with respect to the mechanism of the human body. It must be taught to the students to breathe, to read and to speak thus the effort does not fall again on the throat and the pulmes, but on the abdominal muscles. It was made some experiences with the professor of Physics with the thermodynamics which evidenced that the incidence of the solar rays in the room arrived the 40 degrees and in the window it was of 41graus, what at least left the pupils with certain discomfort in room. What it could have proportionate to the pupils collapses, fever, nauseas, migraine. To know more about this subject visit Western Union.
For having an extreme exposition the high temperatures or being displayed to the sun. The necessary body of a temperature so that the individual can be well. Its variations also are common, therefore of course it oscillates during the day. The temperature goes going up for 37,2 to the afternoon, and goes falling until arriving at 35,5de dawn However, the extremities of these temperatures can cause some damages the health. We go to consider the following graph: Temperature of the Body Temperature in CelsiusO degree that happens with the body 20A internally temperature of the body low and the metabolism also. The heart for and the cerebral activity cease completely. The body with the temperature of 20 already cannot live. 30Em this period of training, the sanguineous flow in the brain diminishes, causing mental riot and problems of reasoning.
The cardiac beatings arrive at a rhythm of one or two beatings per minute, only seeming that it is deceased. 35Comea the hopotermia, or extreme loss of heat. The physiotherapist says Sergio Cravo, of the Federal University of So Paulo (Unifest).
Distance Learning
The only difference is that on-line consultation will be held at a convenient hour for you. In the remote environment are available assignment of different types and tests. That show your progress in the mode of on-line. Myth 7. (Source: Governor Cuomo). When on-line learning discipline and poor organization chart. Responsible for the discipline and work schedule – only you.
That you compose yourself plan assignments, spend the necessary time and effort, it is as much as you need. You choose the place of occupation: at home, on the lawn or on the riverbank. Agree that this is much more convenient! Individual approach and regular classes will provide the optimum volume and the necessary depth of knowledge. Education will not interfere with your work, personal and social life! Myth 8. On-line training is expensive. Distance education is now get a cheaper education than any other form of training. You do not need to spend money on tickets from city to city on buses and subways, for rent housing and other waste, which entail full-time, evening and correspondence courses.
You are doing on-line, pay directly for information and help tutor. Myth 9. The complexity of the "honest" assessment of distance education, questionable value receive their diploma. Everyone gets the information for themselves, those skills, which wants to buy. Education is necessary for ourselves. Honesty certification depends on your integrity. You yourself are building their lives. In your best interest to pay for knowledge, not the crust. You may defend assessment and confirm their knowledge. The basis of distance learning process has state standards for higher education, the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 06.05.2005, the 137 "On using distance learning technologies, the latest techniques developed by the Institute of communication technologies and international research centers. Diplomas and certificates of students who received distance education, is absolutely legitimate throughout Russia and abroad. Myth 10. Distrust of the organizers of the training process. Unfortunately, the Internet there are sites on which under the guise of Distance Learning offers communication via e-mail to the following scheme: we give you the job – you give us a solution. Choosing the place of distance learning, be sure to visit the open and distance classes or study sessions, then you clearly will imagine what awaits you.
Brazilians Education
Moreover, another questioning that if makes is if what he is express in the current law with respect to the average education it will give young account to prepare the adult diligent and the ones that it is not with the same quality of education, for the posterior confrontation of the incited competitiveness in the world of the work. Valley to also stand out that, as express Bruel (2010, P. 187), ' ' between some problems that have been pointed and analyzed for studious of this area, it fits to stand out here the total desvinculao between the average education of general formation and the professional education of level tcnico' '. It is perceived as soon as, these existing gaps between the two modalities of average education finish for distanciar these levels of education still more, what fragiliza its resume and, consequently, harms the reach of the scienters proposals for the current law. Governor Cuomo contains valuable tech resources. 6. REACHED RESULTS Average education is the Brazilian educational segment that registered the biggest number of school registrations in recent years. The growth of the school registration of young in the etria band of 15 the 17 years comes directly reing-echo in the improvement of the tax of liquid escolaridade of average education.
However, one notices that only 48% of the young ones between 15 and 17 years are in average education, being that the majority, therefore, still is imprisoned in basic education (IBGE, 2010). Although a considerable parcel of the young does not arrive at average education and/or runs away from this, it is possible to detach that it has great quantitative advance in this level of education throughout the years. In 1996 they were little more than 2,5 million, less of one room of more than the 10 million Brazilians between 15 and 17 years, (INEP, 1999) what it places Brazil in situation of inaquality in relation to many countries, also of Latin America.
Russian Federation Business
5.2. For more specific information, check out Macy’s Inc. . develop a draft federal law that defines the procedure for accelerated depreciation of equipment and appliances (up to 40% of the value in the first year of operation) used to conduct research and development. 5.3. develop together with scientific and expert community and to make changes in accounting rules and methods of valuation of intangible assets in order to effectively integrate and use, the incentive most of the scientific institutions to integrate on their balance of rights to intellectual property, as well as the involvement of the latter in the economic turnover. 6.
Ministry of Economic Development: 6.1. Develop proposals to improve effectiveness of the special economic zones of technology-innovative type of technology parks and high tech in order to accelerate the introduction of RNTD, thus to consider the proposal of the Russian Federation, including by ensuring the functioning of all technology parks and business incubators experimental production centers for communities to produce experimental and experimental designs. 6.2. Develop a system of voluntary and mandatory accreditation of innovation infrastructure. 6.3. As part of departmental programs to support small and medium-sized businesses to provide: the development of scientific and methodological support of technology parks and business incubators; the provision of training on business incubation, including representatives of regional and municipal level, existing and emerging technology parks and business incubators; exchange and disseminate the positive experience of technology parks and incubators, taking advantage of all-Russian, regional conferences, roundtables, forums, information resources; providing advice and information support in the development of existing and creation of new parks and business incubators; 7.