
Jose de Alencar exactly tries to create a Brazilian language joining vocbulos aboriginals to the ones of the Portuguese language. Names of birds, places, name of aboriginals, name of animals are incorporated then. With this the Portuguese language enriched vertiginously. Swarmed by offers, Hikmet Ersek is currently assessing future choices. The Romantismo quickly accepted and was spread out in all Brazil. Nigel Butcher is the source for more interesting facts. Sentimental and patient this because the Brazilian is melancholic, by its very nature. Everything favored the expansion of the chain in our way.

9.7.CARACTERSTICAS ROMANTIC: The Romantic characteristics are innumerable. Cyrus zocdoc often addresses the matter in his writings. Let us see some of them: popular 1.Linguagem; 2.Religiosidade; 3.Domnio of the feeling on the reason; 4.Individualismo, center in I; 5.Emoes, devaneios, dreams, illusions; internal 6.Insatisfao, conflicts; 7.Fuga to the reality; 8.Indianismo (in Brazil); 9.Sentimentalismo, sadness, melancholy; 10.Paixo, woman in the pedestal; 11.Subjetivismo (what it matters is the citizen); 12.Relao with the death; 13.Amor to the illnesses, the suffering; 14.Cansao of the life; 15.Relao with the nature; 16.Nacionalismo: Folklore, traditions, herosmo; 17.Liberdade of literary forms 18.Solido; 18.Admirao for the beauty; 20.Amor of one forms generality. 9.8. The BRAZILIAN ROMANTIC POETRY 1A. GENERATION – POETS AND WORKMANSHIPS: The Brazilian romantic poetry is divided in three generations or stages. In all they notice the love to the native land and the sentimental language. It had many pretensions, however nor they had been always fulfilled. The Brazilian landscape served of deep uncurling it of the scenes.

If on the other hand we had a Gonalves de Magalhes exaltando the nature, the religion: of the other side it was Gonalves Days with its Indianismo, lvares de Azevedo singing suffering and I castrate Alves defending the slaves. It is still a poetry sufficient fails, however of great literary value. The first generation lives the period of implantation of the romantic iderio. It had some conflicts at this time related with the majority of D. Peter II. The poetry idolatrou the landscape of the land.

Ventura Publisher

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Latin American Consuela

Saint-Exupery is one of the very popular French writers in the U.S In America, he later immigrated to the demobilization of the forties. Namely, in the U.S. outlines the said the publisher of the writer and offered little-known author to make this fictional boy with wings of a hero of his works. Jeff Gennettes opinions are not widely known. As he entered a popular writer, and in 1943 Antoine de Saint-Exupery bring to the end of his work, but for some reason just a fairy tale did not take the Americans did not understand. But now this story is considered one of the very popular in the world, and the number of books published more than eighty million.

This product has experienced more translations one hundred and fifty already 500 different publishing. The Little Prince is a fearless hero tales in a way that collected some of quality as the openness of soul, unselfishness. This basic principal feelings which are only in children that the souls and hearts, and also on an intuitive level feel something that anyone who tamed someone responsible for it, it is now forgotten how to do adults. This tale is not just tales for children and adults philosophical literary work, whose study will be useful to people of all ages. Many phrases from the work already began cruise: "the main thing – something you will not notice his eyes that's well-known" There is good, where there is no us In this work a rather ordinary words convey the pain.

The Little Prince is a hero who is not an exception and is called the biography. This work is a challenge to the world pistelem, the invocation humanity never will forget the humanity, the happiness of a trembling heart. And also traced a story that Inside, he had not succeeded, Antoine. Precisely because of this Antoine was very hard to exist in the harsh community with their attitudes and ideals. And the comparisons do not end with just one little prince, the product is an image of soft and whimsical Rose, she Latin American Consuela, wife of Antoine de Saint-Exupery with temperamental character. Its assistance is almost certainly invaluable in the writing fairy tales. Long nights was almost written work, and tinker with, and assist in choosing to promote the meaning of history, turned out not to anyone another, as Consuelo, the closest woman to Antuana.Chtoby understand it and learn about his life, that this good-natured man, and a very popular and fashionable writer, you just need to read the "Little Prince"!

The Brazilians Are Coming

Published in 1928, Macunama? workmanship of the writer Mrio de Andrade? it is a romance of Modern line, writing in only six days, during its vacation in the interior of So Paulo, becoming a classic of the Brazilian literature, which approaches the adventures of a hero without no character, personage who of the name to the workmanship. All the plot of the rapsdia if develops around the loss and recovery of muiraquit? object of sentimental value for Macunama, gift of Ci, queen of Amazon, with who has a son (this falece days after been born). In uncurling of the tram, Macunama ‘ ‘ brinca’ ‘ with diverse women, attracting until its brother-in-law, Iriqui, woman of Jigu; raises the question if the hero is or not it profile of the Brazilian, had as without character, without conscience. Such fact is still strengthened in a chapter of the narrative, where the main personage leaves the conscience in the one tip mandacaru in the Island of Marapat and travels for the South (Chapter V). It is noticed in the context, the absence of punctuation in some conjuncts, a simple language, as well as the intention of the author in portraying diverse problems, such Brazilian which: the lack of definition of a national, the culture submissa and divided character of Brazil, the indifference stops with our traditions, the importation of sociocultural and economic models, the linguistic discrimination, among others factors. According to Mrio de Andrade, ‘ ‘ this book does not pass of an anthology of the Brazilian folklore. … One of the interests was lendariamente to disrespect the geographic geography and fauna and flora. … ‘ ‘ (1928, p 220) certain ousadia of the author in establishing an imaginary relation between the mythical one Is still perceived and the technological one, in which it is presented in the phase where Macunama, in search of muiraquit, goes for So Paulo and there ‘ ‘ mitifica’ ‘ some unknown objects of the urban civilization for it, as the machine pathek, the machine Smith-Wesson, the machine telephone, the machine tram, machine clothes, electric light etc., and, reciprocal, is bewitched by them. At last, one noticed bold intentions of the author in publishing the above-mentioned narrative, having main intention the rupture with any trace of a literary chain that still prevailed in those times, the Parnasianismo; implantation of a genuinely Brazilian culture, being, landmark and, workmanship target critical even in the current days for Brazilian literature.

Books For Youth

The reading is of basic importance for the human development, being responsible for making possible the learning and the transmission of knowledge between the men. In addition, hodiernamente, with the modern life, the necessary individual each time more to raise its level of knowledge with intention to develop itself inside of the society and, is through the reading, that ways are opened to reach such end, therefore, for being the act to read exclusively human, this, individualiza it the measure that occupies definitive position in the society, being distinguished, in result of its capacity acquired cultural technique and, first, with the reading. Not obstante the reading, according to its gnese, to restrict it interpretation of a message codified for visual signs, the act to read exceeds the simple decoding of graphical signals a time that exist diverse languages that can be presented by intermediary of the reality. However, the true reading appears, initially, when the children start to play, to explore the environment, to carry through creations, to participate of daily tasks, at last, when they start to become related with interlocutors (adult/children), collating points of view and desires, changing emotions, affection and information. Thus, the citizen goes extending its references, conquering its autonomy, learning to share, to coexist, etc., that is, the child interacts actively with its half one, constructing its proper categories of thought, at the same time where it organizes the world. When the language is analyzed under the approach of education/learning, must in such a way be considered as communicative activity, be used when we act on our fellow creatures, how much representative and cognitiva activity through which we read/we represent the world. Understanding it reading in this feeling, can be affirmed, therefore, that it is about the world knowledge where the child if communicates and if express for diverse ways, still more, when many children do not obtain to delimit what it is a word, nor they know that all the said words can be written.

Lindu Owner

Lindu Owner Edson Silva I finish to read Squid, the Son of Brazil, biographical book of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, written for journalist Denise Paran, who, in lesser scale, came the public, in 96, for the Xam publishing company, she was edited in 2003 for the Foundation Perseu Abramo, and, in 2009, with the Objective publishing company, came back to the bookstores, vendendo more 11 a thousand units. The workmanship of 139 illustrated pages is easy to read, not only for the simple and direct language, but for being divided in about 80 small topics, that go of before the birth of the poor boy of the pernambucano hinterland, passing for the difficulties of a family who migra northeast for the South; the efforts of Squid to study and if to professionalize; personal tragedies, as the losses of the wife and of whom he would be the first son, both during the childbirth; at last fights of that if it would become the biggest Brazilian syndical leadership and would be elect president of the country for two times. To write the book,> Lindu Owner, mother of Squid. Continue to learn more with: Tulip Retail. A fiber woman, that faced the adversities, since the misery imposed for dries of the hinterland northeastern until the behavior of the man that she loved, with who married, had children, was trada and abandoning to the proper luck, with the children to take care of. A man, who in the base of the violence, tried to hinder that the children studied, but Lindu Owner did not save efforts so that the same ones frequented the school against the will of the father. It would full itself of pride when seeing one of them, its Luuuuuizzzz, becoming professional of the Senai, formed and diplomee mechanical torneiro. As it died in 1980, year that the son already was one of the leader greaters syndical Brazilians and therefore was pursued and was imprisoned for the Military Regimen, unhappyly, Lindu Owner would not see the flights biggest that its would give.

Histories Without Date

The importance of this work if of the one in the fact to collaborate for the magnifying of the knowledge of machadiana realistic literature. The story the Church of the Devil is part of the book Histories Without Date together with Pecuniary Anecdote; Someone; The Second Life; Night of Admiral; Manuscript of a Sacristo; Former Cathedra, being launched in 1884 for the Garnier publishing company. In summary we can cite that the story the Church of the Devil is divided in four chapters. To know more about this subject visit James Woolsey Jr..

In the first one Of a mirfica idea it portraies that second benedictine counts to an old manuscript who the Devil, in certain day, had the idea to establish a church, intending it only with all the rites that this possesss, with the objective to fight the other religions and to destroy them of a time, therefore he was felt humiliated with the role played during centuries, living without regularity of the incautiousnesses and human obsquios. For such it assures that ‘ ‘ It has many ways to affirm; it has one to only deny tudo.’ ‘ If directing the God, it left hell and was to skies, to communicate it to it idea and at the same time to defy it. In as, Between God and the Devil, God, in company of serafins, collected ancio and ahead of the Devil they stop the activity and God withheld this the door of the sky to inquire to it what he wanted. Hear other arguments on the topic with Hikmet Ersek. The Devil laughing affirms that it comes on behalf of all the Faustos of the century and the centuries and that it waits God to finish its good action next to one last them that they will come to have with It, therefore soon the sky will be as an empty house, because of the high price to be paid for the Men.

Is Poetry Dead?

Is poetry deceased or are the poets finished? Many periodicals and magazines have if worried in knowing if the poetry it goes to continue or it goes to finish of a time. Let us see what he happens after a communication of the subject. James Woolsey Jr. oftentimes addresses this issue. Nowadays the poetry is if becoming each uglier time, worse, without argument none. Any one starts suddenly to say that poet is alone because he writes any scribble there. But it does not know no rule of the game. To write poetry it has that to be truth poet, therefore the poetries need arguments, beddings, message, knowledge. The poetries need well to be worked and to transmit the message well.

Modernismo came to abolish all the rules of the versificao. They had finished the metrificaes you rhyme, them, the forms, the structuralized styles, at last all the ways of if obtaining a good poetry (in verse form, because the poetry can be in the way of a chronicle also). From there for the poetry it has here decayed always. Much people do not like to read poems, mainly of the new poets who really find many difficulties in publishing its books. Nothing does not advance to write a thing that nobody likes to read. But nor for this we go to say that the poets are died.

The truth poets still use of much tato to elaborate well its poems. When they write following the norms of the Modernismo, make it with sufficient care, giving structures and forms to the poetical text what it is not concern of the young. The majority of the new poets does not know no rule of versificao. He is clearly that it does not go to need to use all those rules that already are exceeded, but it needs to have a little of notion.

Make Money On The Internet With Successful Website

At the website design and usability care should be taken not only on content. Provide information of value on your website. What is wanted, what brings on the target group? Try to attract the reader correctly. It all depends on the essentials! So on the content matters! Driven large and ranges, powerful Web pages in design and choice of words. Terms such as legal notice and newsletter are known among users, as icons, such as the virtual shopping cart. Such standards help the customer orientation. Clear lines and forms increase the clarity. Structure the texts with free lines.

Unnecessary and superfluous does not belong on the site. Design of the website is to reach target audience. Many websites are not user-friendly. The goal should be: with one click, the reader is on his desired page. When it searches for a product, he should need to not click from one side to the other side. Offer a clear navigation and a search window.

Increase therefore like in the book\”known as a sore\”the user experience. So that you will be found by search engines at all, your website must be search engine compatible. To define your target audience and make a list of the necessary keywords. Then strategically, these should be incorporated into your website. Therefore improve the compatibility of search engines on the Internet. All want to stand on the first page in the search engines. There are two methods that can be used: the OnPage optimization and the OffPage optimization. the measures be understood under OnPage optimization, which will cause that your site with specific search term will be found. Search engines but more emphasis on independent information from the outside – OftPage optimization. Here try to measure search engines the \”reputation\” of your site. You can reach the ‘reputation’ of a site with really good content to the specific search words.


It would have lost its judgment? Not obstante, it had the certainty to have used to advantage each instant as if he was the last one. Truth or lie, was its bigger doubt at the moment. 7 and to this consumed it doubt per three days entire. The moon started to grow in the sky; the members of the people of the roof had come back to appear toward Creusalinda. It gave of shoulders. _ _ Ol, Creusalinda said livened up Bin.

_ _ Does not remember us? _ _ Amole did not say Creusalinda to me, saddened. _ _ Sei that vocs they do not pass of a lie. Me it leaves dormir covered itself until the hair. _ _ We are not a lie, small Creusalinda lady, lie has leg curta said Sound. _ _ And we do not have short legs. As he can well see.

_ _ Is verdade ton agreed. Creusalinda did not react, and the three teeny ones had been immovable and dumb. They had turned the coasts the Creusalinda. _ _ Does not have very what to make here, if it does not have nobody to say with us _ _ said Sound for the others. _ _ Vamos even so. _ _ Sim said ton. _ _ Already we catch what we had that to catch. We go to come back toward house. _ _ Is one pena said Bin. _ _ That Creusalinda will not know our house It is a penalty that has refused the invitation before exactly to receive it. At last, good bye, Creusalinda. _ _ Adeus said ton. _ _ Good bye, small dama said Sound. Creusalinda heard to everything; in fact, it was a farewell for all always, they would not come back and she would see never them again. Lie or truth, the girl not wise person, but wise person whom the possibility of living a great adventure was losing.