Scientific Administration

Historian E.P. Thompson would write later that in & ldquo; modern capitalism, the employees feel a distinction enter the time of the master and its proper time. (Corrosion of the Character & ndash; p. 43). For the Scientific Administration the efficiency concept is very important.

The beginning of the efficiency if it relates with the best way by which the things must be made or be executed (work methods), so that the resources (people, machines, raw materials, etc) are applied of rational form. Its concern inhabits in the ways, with the planned methods in order to assure the otimizao of the available resources. Of this form, the concern with the efficiency in the Private Administration was an appropriate concept for the Public Administration and a newness does not reveal. Contrary to the thought that reigned before the Industrial Revolution, valued the work and chose the concept of that all the person is motivated to work to be granted money awardee and with a better life, better wages and social ascension.

Communication Advice

In the quarter Association of inhabitants does not exist Communitarian Advice nor, these basic ones for the structural locality that institutions development. The creation and performance of these agencies become urgent, as form to stimulate the social mobilization and the claim for better conditions of life before the municipal public agencies. Still it has very to be made so that the community if develops, mainly, of sustainable form. The population must perceive that much can make for the community where it inhabits will have a participativo planning, practical of strategies and the class action of ambient management and the claim of indispensable the public services (systematic collection of garbage, pavement, urban draining, post offices, commerce, public security, etc) to the competent municipal agencies. As Principle 10 of the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro Apud Ramid and Ribeiro standes out (1992, P.

155): ' ' The best way to treat ambient questions is to assure the participation, in the appropriate level, of all the citizens interessados' '. The evidenced reality takes to perceive us it that the lack of cares with the environment closely is associated with an Anthropocentric vision ahead of which the individuals usufruct erroneamente of the natural resources; at the same time where they need these resources, they tend to destroy them, transforming the environment of irresponsible form: deforesting, playing garbage in the streets, and consequently, harming and reaching the welfare collective. Such perspective also closely is related to the lack of ambient ethics. Pointing out that the ethics are linked the principles lived deeply socially, but that they demand an understanding, individual practical reflection and of the human being. We are beings partner-descriptions, we live in one definitive composed society for proper characteristics, endowed with principles, values, rules, contradictions, adversities, amongst other aspects. It fits, however, to each individual if to appropriate of these principles or aspects in order to favor the dissemination of the ethics and the good social functioning.

Inventory Status

It turns out that global stocks of food in terms of charge of a special organization, which exists under the wing of the UN – “Food and Agriculture Organization (Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO). That it must remain vigilant well-fed and hungry, so most of the numbers that will appear in this article are exactly of its reports. Thus, according to FAO, world food stocks, on average, the reserve for 60 days. That is, if it comes rider on a white horse, and shall destroy all crops, fields, fish farms, etc., then stocks in the closet humanity enough for about two months, and then have to eat each other. However, 60 days – it’s average, according to crops and other changing circumstances it may be reduced to 40 days or fly to 80. And the other extreme – it’s bad because it leads to fever in the food market.

Now begins a ridiculous statistic. Thus, major producer of food in the world are – winning horn, tra-ta-tam! – Industrialized countries! Western Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia. These countries produce 50% of the total export of food on the planet. They engaged in ex port sandwiches starving brethren. The largest share of exports accounted for U.S. exports 13% of the world’s food issue to the surface they. And one of the largest importers of food is, of course, China, who gave but hopelessly unable to feed itself completely. In this population engaged in rural industries in Western countries usually do not exceed 3-4% of the total population, despite the fact that in South America farmers is about 40% to villages, and in Asia and Africa – from 60 to 90%. In Russia, if you are interested in, the share of employment in agriculture is, for a variety disagree with each other sources, from 15 to 30% of the population, but the food we bathe on their neighbors as themselves can not provide themselves. In this regard, the question naturally arises: what the hell? Why 90% of people in Bangladesh, laboriously spud turnips from dawn to dusk, is grown so sorry for her amount that they have to pick up handouts from the American Farm lions? While the latter spend more time for drinking beer and throwing darts at rural fairs and powerful than leaning forward on elektroplug.