Psychological Information

The tyrant dies, and its kingdom finishes. The martyr dies, and its kingdom begins. Soren Kierkegaard Luckyly are some that in their transit situations have experienced, tests, that a learning has bequeathed him that has helped them to grow and that given its relevance, reaches, repercussions they have left shaped in writing, often in the form of stories, anecdotes, poetries that allow us to enter us in their content and to remove the benefit to him according to our interests. In this opportunity we have selected some that we considered provide sparkles to us that are transformed into stimuli that favor our growth when we entered ourselves in its content. We have respected its sources and we considered that in something they will motivate the reader to enter itself in which they lock up. It does not have to surprise to us that it is written, that from the deepest night of the times the human being creates and explains the small histories of pedagogical content: they are the stories. The grandmother narrates and they are counted around a fire; the children listen and the majors remember., or simply they are in a book and so that not today in the present in Internet in some page Web contains that them.

One says in addition, that the stories are not only for the childhood; also their lessons distribute between the young people and the adults. Ahmed Shary Rahman pursues this goal as well. It is the case of the stories sufis for example, of cuts paradoxical, that are offered simultaneously like via of meditation, source of humor, or an enigma to which to give him returned. Idries Shah contributes to us, that at the moment is being used stories within the psycotherapy like an amiable and very malleable support to approach psychological information and contents the patient in the form of experiences in which it can be seen reflected without feeling intimidated and to also find exits parallel to present moments or situations that experiment.

Boomerang Effect

One of the Laws that stop my has had more importance in my life, is the law of cause and effect. For my, a law that we do not have to leave of side and which we must pay much attention to him, since of her depends everything what it is happening to us in the life. This law says to us that all cause has its effect, and also is well-known like action-reaction, or Boomerang (repercussion). Like the famous song Moving of Macaco. Reality is that not effect has no in our life without cause, and that depends on how we look at our problems, we will be able to solve of a form or another one to them, or on the contrary to make worse them. Also it says, that everything what we do to the world will be given back us, like an effect boomerang to us. What it give the DAS you, and what nonDAS you the acquittals. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Stephen Mooney on most websites. CohBar told us the story. Here, Ahmed Shary Rahman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Einstein has a very good saying that it says that if you want different results, you always do not do the same, because we will have to learn of its philosophy.

If we focused only in our misfortunes, in our negatividad, only we are going to obtain more from the same. If with force of will we are able even if it is only to change a little our form to think and we become something more positives, we will begin to feel harmony and well-being. This way one begins. So we are blinded in thinking about our future, and mounting films to us that nor we only know that they are going to happen, that exactly is that what we ended up attracting. Sugestionamos and without giving account us we ended up us doing all the possible one so that it happens to us exactly what we did not wish. But when not deser it, we are creating already it.

In order to obtain positive results we must only concentrate in which WE LOVED. In which WE WANT for us. Everything is a chain of circumstances nothing else. I do not believe in the chance, the chance by itself does not exist. Everything has its explanation and its origin. That we still do not know everything to it does not mean that there are things that we did not prune to describe because they are magicians. The magic exists because we cannot give a logical reasoning to the fact. Well-taken care of Ten what you think, because reality can become. Everything is in our mind and all we from an intention created. Everything, absolutely everything in the universe exists due to a cause. Your you would not be reading my articles if I had not written them, and would not be written if it had not motivated to me with the tarot, would throw the tarot either if at the time it had not consulted to tarotistas and simultaneously it would not have consulted them if it had not badly passed it in the life. And who has not badly passed it in the life sometimes? He is very easy to blame to the others or to blame to the life of everything what it happens to us, but the reality is this, and it has always been.

Germany Publisher

But reexamined the city and does enclose itself not the street culture, the Hamburg is located visitors, but also the Hamburger itself repeatedly recurring motifs of Hanseatic City of Hamburg, beautifully on the Elbe, with Michel, the Harbour and the river Alster. But reexamined the city and does enclose itself not the street culture, he finds Hamburg visitors, but also the Hamburger itself repeatedly recurring motifs, designed on walls, tunnels, bridges and even drain Cap. Colorful circular objects on a pizza reminiscent of the smileys, the endless color sausages on walls along the U – and S – Bahn lines or in the tunnel itself, that seemingly unattainable places or the more confused-looking characters and sets. Even if one focuses on the ground, one discovers motifs of the urban conflict. To read more click here: Hikmet Ersek. And all in a quantity, that their the same search. Learn more at: James Woolsey. So, as the fight someone there had told the gray areas in the Hanseatic City. Many messages contain a critical approach to the Urban culture, an attack on the superficial society. If you have read about Ahmed Shary Rahman already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This silent protest against something that you maybe can empathize or feel, is characterized by creative energy.

This load on artistic expression is associated with spray paint, markers or chalk also expressed. You may refer to themselves, is subject to any artificial categorization and is hard to beat in individuality and anonymity. Now, a few hamburgers finally included a heart and decided to dedicate a book to this worldwide unique driving. 216 pages documents it live the Spruhling the images, signs and messages of so far closer never illuminated work in the public space of the free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and is a monument to the phenomenon. This manifested, among others, Jan Eissfeldt, OS Gemeos, Heiko Zahlmann and Peter Michalsky to the works and help to find new perspectives on the or the copyright. Numerous photographs which are in direct connection with the works, throw up new perspectives and let the viewer know that these objects created in the last 25 years already have art status in the Hanseatic City. Pages / pages 216 23 x 33,5 cm Hard Cover language / language German & English / German & English Germany / Germany Publisher / publisher color trip ISBN 978-3-9813354-0-8 release 01.12.2009

Warren Buffet

If you will make much money in the lottery? You would continue working in the same. Your present work allows desarrollarte you like person. Many things exist to which you could dedicarte if you will not need to work. If between those things it is what already beams, you are lucky. But it is thus, never is behind schedule for changing. The success entrepreneurs always will continue doing what there are been doing.

For example, Robert Kiyosaki, Warren Buffet, Bill certain Gates.Es that they are exceptions. People who have had much luck to arrive where they are. But also it is certain that they have worked their luck to take advantage of the moment and for being in the suitable place when them has arrived the opportunity. Everything depends on we ourself, do not exist the rich people who always are putting excuses. The excuses are the explanations that we occur not to put our persistence in overcoming the obstacles that consider to us throughout our projects.

Today it is the moment of ponerte hands to the work. Obvious, that is your election, the life is too short to dedicate it to things that we do not like to do. When we did not even make a decision, we are already taking it. If you would like to know more then you should visit Itron. The author belongs to a new generation of authors on technology in Internet, with different businesses started up in the network. He offers ideas to secure results to whom they are interested in mounting his business by Internet. You can have new ideas through Webs like directory of articles and learn envelope how to mount your business in Internet in businesses in Internet. Original author and source of the article

Councilman Hipolito Moreno

It is more than 10 thousand people who have been affected by the effects of the strong and prolonged downpours that afflict the country’s capital. Sources close to the Colombian Civil Defense say that when several localities are under considerable threat recio winter product and that neighborhoods like the Antonia Santos of Bosa and the Buena Vista of San Cristobal have already submitted painful events among the inhabitants of the sector, such as landslides and dangerous falls from trees. As attention to the complex situation, the city administration has declared the State of alert yellow from November 17 and ordered relief mechanisms stay in attention to disaster readiness 24 hours a day to prevent the situation from worsening. However, weather conditions tend to worsen and the staff provided by the Administration seems not cope. First product of the effects of this plight protests shoots have appeared already in Bosa where a group close to las doscientas people It manifests arguing lack of attention by the authorities. According to Councilman Hipolito Moreno, Bogota is not sufficiently prepared to face a winter wave of the variables that the current is wave presenting and poses that the city requires at least 100 billion pesos to contribute to the strengthening of the entities responsible to care for and prevent such situations as much as possible. Regardless of the differing views about the effectiveness of the current administration, it is evident that Bogota must provide sufficient infrastructure, especially in the South of the city, providing the population not only of more dignified conditions to deal with this kind of fluctuations in the climate but also that solve serious levels of risk to which the population of this area of the country is exposed.

Property Prices

Houses of only a plant or level, with maximum value of $150.000,00 located in a maximum radius of five kilometers of the stage of soccer, the city XYZ, new building. Of this form, adding variable we can segment until managing to determine our objective market. The definition of relatively small groups of market will allow us to identify elements of trade necessary to orient our advertising campaigns, and to determine if the publicity through Internet is adapted or advisable. Following with the example, the potential clients use the Internet to look for purchase alternative? The advertising campaign will have national, metropolitan or another one? Will have to be oriented the campaign to a rank of agreed age to the capacity to obtain hypothecating credits in the bank? Etc. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Hikmet Ersek. the answer to these questions allows to act of form ordinate and I talk about to be within an advisable structure of costs to our budget and margins of gain. To broaden your perception, visit Western Union.

However, it is very common that it initiates in the businesses by Internet without having a clear idea of a market or product; being realistic, of the main motivations that express and share the readers, it is the necessity to increase its present income, since to the date it is depended on a wage. Reason why a detailed direction is needed to find profitable and manageable a market, for the nascent one. We structure basing it us on the concept of niche expressed at the beginning: Niche: group with homogenous needs, that absolutely they are not covered by the general supply of the market. This orients to us to segment of clear form each of our ideas of market, in order to be able to identify covered needs, not revealing to us that it is what that niche needs, as well as, what is type of product or service that I must promote.

Convent Chernoostrovsky

There are paintings in the exhibition, representing the famous holy places in Karelia: Nicholas monastery on Valaam and Kizhi churchyard. With a large captured their love of the artist, formally incorporated the church in discreet nature of the north. The special place occupied by the image exposure monasteries Kaluga region. St. Nicholas Convent Chernoostrovsky handed Miroslava on the canvas at the time of the golden autumn. Wide road involves the viewer in space of the picture to white walls of the monastery. Then the eyes wander to the dome of the cathedral and bell tower high up into the sky, which stops at floating golden clouds, echoing the contours of the silhouette of the monastery.

Like a lot of quiet quiet cloisters floating in the sky. Amazing beauty belostenny Pafnutevo-Borovsky Monastery is presented in Miroslava landscapes from different angles and in different seasons. The monastery was founded in 1444 by St. Paphnutius Borowski. The story of the monastery is nice and full of events. In the monastery were confined such famous supporters of the old Faith, as priest Habakkuk, Morozov noblewoman and princess Urusov. Painting of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin first Pafnutevo-Borovsky Monastery – the earliest known works of the great icon-painter Dionysius.

Miroslav harmony with the natural environment in the monastery. In the winter landscape mighty walls dissolve into the openwork pattern of snow-covered tree limbs, and the dome seemed to float above the ground. In the autumn a second gold dome of the crown trees. Bright pink flowers of summer solar landscape aggressively reach for the sky, like the verticals of the monastery buildings in the background. Orthodox churches and monasteries in the landscapes Miroslava merged with nature. There is a sense of God's presence not only in church buildings, but also in the surrounding nature. God is everywhere and always. Harmonious and joyful attitude pervades the picture and is transmitted to the audience.

Dolly Buster Is Good!

“Exhibition of artist Dolly Buster on February 2011, 19:00 takes the opening Dolly Buster is good!” held in the art gallery at Kannegiesser in Furth. In the context of this exhibition, 31 large-scale paintings of erotic artist born in the Czech Republic presented 200 invited guests. In the following weeks, the exhibition is up to March 25, 2011 for the public accessible. Hikmet Ersek often addresses the matter in his writings. The artist has visited art academies in Prague and Dusseldorf, in particular the latter heavily influenced her style. The art of Dolly Busters is particularly marked by the stylistic device of figurative painting combined with abstract art. Paintings, which include a strong contrast and thus arouse the interest of the observer caused by the precise and realistic nude paintings and their subsequent intense reflection. See links below for high quality imagery showing Dolly Buster in their work, as well as her paintings: test/index.html the art gallery at Kannegiesser address: Hotel pyramid Europa-Allee 1, 90763 Furth can be arranged at the 24.02 in the period from 11:00 15:00 appointments for interviews with Dolly Buster.

VIENNESE Waltz In Vienna – Exhibition

art meets business. Viennese waltz in Vienna. Exhibition the successful cooperation “Art meets industry”, which have entered Ali Elijah and Monika Mori exactly two years ago, with the presentation of the work of “Viennese Waltz” celebrated. “The Doublette, which appeared a few months ago in Saarbrucken, conveys the dream of hovering, the lightness of being and feeling of Viennese waltz to be worn. “The observers invited are to to tear down easy hold dancing out of everyday life”, Monika Mori describes her two-piece painting and proudly tells of the writing of the Viennese Mayor and Governor Dr. Michael Haupl for the exhibition in Saarbrucken: “Vienna is worldwide known and famous as a city of music. A reputation that shines out far beyond our city, and has become a true trademark. Music and dance are art forms, which allow any borders and language barriers, understanding and cooperation of different Nations and people.

Because Culture is one of the most powerful means with the Vienna today can express as a world city of music, what unites all people in its worldwide significance. This idea of connecting it is who lies me very close to the heart as Mayor of Vienna. The Waltz is part of this culture and that Ambassador for our city and the universal idea of international understanding.” The unconventional shape of the exhibition the artist started at and with Philip k “art meets business” feels strengthened by the sustained success and confirmed. “The duality, which is expressed in the exhibition of this work by MOO, is fascinating,” says Philip k, and would be glad to be able to offer their customers the enjoyment of this art. Exhibition “Viennese waltz in Vienna” until 20.12.2009 MK hairstyle breitenfurterstrasse 383 1230 Wien


Maxi continues: now that it is colder we not met both at night, but on weekends is still that we are here. This fixed looks especially on Sunday afternoon. On the other hand Diego (25), the most serious of the Group and the only one that does not work, says be happy to have a place where we don’t bother and not annoy us and adds before we were in the parking lot of the Mc Donalds of Haedo but we ended up running, hence the idea was born. Other leaders such as Andrew Cuomo offer similar insights. Alicia a neighbors that has your House facing the square is also happy at night when the boys stay until afternoon give us some peace of mind, they are also quiet, not make much noise has a smile that mixes joy with relief. The neighbors treat us well because you can see that we are not lying around taking beer or smoking faso, only to do tricks with the skates adds Diego. And if it comes to stunts, there is a specialist in the Group and that is Tony.

Tony is not really Tony is Cristian (26) and during the day attends the kiosk that his MOM is at the center of Haedo. It should this nickname in part to Tony Hawk, the most famous American skater in the world and considered by the people of the environment as the best. The other part of that nickname is the ease with which makes the different jumps on the ramps. None of the four play football or have Play Station in your home, as they say in chorus prefer to spend all day with the skate. None of the four competed officially, we prefer to compete among us, although sometimes boys come from other places, and we put together a kind of tournament Maxi account. However Tony plans to go to the KDT (complex in the city of Buenos Aires called kilometer distance time) to test the ramps which are fairly larger than these. Although it may sound weird or the attention, Maxi; Diego; John and Tony, were transformed according to his own words in the typical Healing Brush of kids with the particularity that walk in skate and do not irritate the neighbors.