Michael Lowy was born in So Paulo, in the end of the first half of century XX, had its academic formation initiated in the decade of 60 of the passed century, same time that also kept a militancy politics. The cited author currently is fit as a well-known intellectual, author of some publications, in which, we can evaluate a strong text politician and marxist in these workmanships. The cited workmanship was published, in view of the intention of the author, to work through a bibliographical dialogue and ideological the relation enters, the ambient fights and the socialist ideas, mainly at a moment of interseco between the two thematic ones, in what it says based respect to a critical one to the capitalist regimen. in this perspective that the intellectual presents in virtuose the cited workmanship, standing out a priori, a homage of the historical fight of the activist politician Chico Mendes, having the proper one, as a potential reference, in what the linking between the fight says respect ambient politics and. He is valid to stand out that the workmanship has a well-known on theoretical recital to the studies published for Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, such comment if proves, in diverse citations schematized for the author throughout the book. However, such commentary does not have objective to reduce the workmanship Ecology and Socialism, as a simple compilation of literal fragmentos, and yes, to stand out the intellectual authority that Lowy, withholds, in working Marx and Engels, among others bibliographical sources (marxist or not) with great maestria, through fruitful a literal dialogue..