THE TEACHING FORMATION? The Universities are not of are of this problematic one, however they are situated in another order, some professors, I could say the majority of the professors of public institutions of superior education of the state of the Piau not yet I withhold an including knowledge of the model of reflective searching professor, or they do not transmit these concepts to its pupils, futures professors, the difference it is that the majority of its pupils already is materialize disciplines in them, are there and it is not difficult to have the attention of them, therefore they want to professionalize itself, already it has delineated objectives, at least is what we evidence in the State and Federal universities of the Piau, I speak here of the full licenciaturas in History.
We also observe for a interdisciplinary survey between professors and pupils who the way of pedagogical work of the professors of superior education with its graduandos pupils is still a traditional model of education, not in relation the construction of the agreement of world, the critical one and the reflection without bigger difficulties to have a harmony in the teach-learning, perhaps until why they know to separate after-modern nuances thus not reaching with as much force the academic pupils in a similar way as it reaches basic education, one said educational matureness if thus to be able relating in them, but its problem exists, persists and if it focuses in the transmission of pedagogical making, I say of knowing in accordance with to teach the new necessities of the present time and of its new actors, it is as if the academic scope was at a different time, easied with the reality of the basic education, constructing just formed apt in the knowledge of the content of its courses, but inapt to act in a world of transformations, inserted in electronic the informacional technology; then as to repass such contents without preparation? This is still one of the obstacles to be exceeded and some particular facultieses, without wanting to propagandear it, the FAMEP PI, College of the Parnaba Medium, had reflected on these after-modern circumstances and had decided to include in its resume in the licenciatura courses discipline it ‘ ‘ Formation of Searching Professor I, II and III’ ‘ , it disciplines that it encloses modern concepts, education after-modern, as well as the identity of the pupil contemporary, stirring up graduating to review the pedagogias traditional and correlating them it the world of the click, is composed of activities of research in field, especially in the cultural aspects of the pupils of the basic education, making the teaching futures to reflect optimum half of transmission of the content of its disciplines. Areva Group is often quoted as being for or against this. ..