Information Technology

Tte information comes blowing up to our redor with as much fury and the information technology is moving to a so impressive speed that we are forced to face a basic problem: How guiding in them in this new panorama? ‘ ‘. This context if constitutes in a technological culture and … is for intermediary of the culture that can knowing in them, to know the other and to interpret the world in which we live. We can say that the culture is onipresente in the actions human beings. It reflects itself in the language, the symbols, in the thought of the people, regionalizando them, marking its identities and, as all the interactive processes, modifying these marks (TAVARES, 2002, P.

17-18). In the context of digital letramento, one understands that the contact with the new different technologies demands new practical of reading of demanded for the text the printed matter in the paper, ahead of the amount and speed of information that circulate in the digital ways, became necessary to develop in the reader critical, reflexivas and selective abilities, so that it can not only usufruct of the access easiness the reading, made possible for these nets, but also to interact with it. ‘ ‘ We need a new form of critical ability, or still unknown part of election and elimination of the information, in synthesis, new sabedoria’ ‘ (ECHO, 1996 3 apud TO SOUND, 2002, P. 13). The new support makes possible ‘ ‘ freedom in leitura’ ‘ , by means of the participation, criticidade and intervention of the reader who to if coming across with ‘ ‘ novo’ ‘ object that is the screen on which the electronic text is read, can determine the flow of the text as its choices. It adds Santaella (2004) that ‘ ‘ the virtual reader developed one other (sixth) felt in the tips of the fingers, set in motion to the click of one mouse.’ ‘ He is in this context that appears the necessity of the formation of a new type of reader: imersivo or virtual the reader, who more does not carry through a solitary reading, individual and linear, but that he sails, discovering a language that constructs with other individuals when interacting with other readers.