Freedom To Learning

On the other hand, we see anxious and unsafe professors whom through the ignorance and arrogance a removal of its pupils keeps. What also it is not a productive situation. In a globalizado world, where the technological changes occur in an increasing speed, the educator must always modernize itself. Since it today is a facilitador, somebody that has the paper to collaborate so that the pupil desperte for the knowledge, for the citizenship and consequentemente, for a better world. Pedagogical relations, therefore, based in the respect, in serenity favor situations of efficient learnings, where in a climate of bigger freedom, they reach the success. Carl Rogers, in its book Freedom To learn (1978) in the sample through stories of professionals of the area of the education, also of proper it, experiences where the pupils had been able to establish its goals and to develop its proper learning. The professor if became a facilitador of the learning of the pupils, keeping the respect to the individualities and the pertaining to school institution. What he matters, according to author (1978), is that the educator perceives that the human being, when it has greater freedom, expands its possibilities not to learn, but also to interact with this learning.

‘ ‘ All efficient educator has its proper style to facilitate the learning of alunos’ ‘ (ROGERS, 1978, P. 69). This demonstrates that the educator becomes necessary to be next to its pupil, that is, to look for to know it, to search ways to awake it for the search of the knowledge. ‘ ‘ To educate is an interactive process and dinmico’ ‘ (WERNECK, 1997, p.55), therefore, understands it classroom as a place of social interaction, where the diversity enriches in them, acting as stimulatons for the challenge to construct as person.


A series of definitions in relation to education can Be verified learning, a time that depends on the point of view of the author in the Book Pedagogia of the Autonomy, PABLO FREIRE (So Paulo, Peace and Land, 2001) says that: Another one to know of that I cannot at least doubt a moment in educative-critical practical mine is of that, as experience specifically human being, the education is a form of intervention in the world, intervention that beyond knowledge of or bad taught and/or the well learned contents, implies as much effort of reproduction of the dominant ideology how much its desmascaramento. Dialectic and contradictory could not be the education alone one or alone to another one of these things. Nor reproductive, nor only desmascaradora of the dominant ideology. We know, the difficulties and the challenges faced in the classroom mainly when learning is about education, however it depends very on educador.AUGUSTO CURY (shining parents, fascinating professors, Rio De Janeiro, Sextant, 2003): The biggest capital sin that the educators can commit is to destroy the hope and the dreams of the young. Without hope it does not have road, without dreams does not have motivation to walk. The world can fall down on a person, it can have lost everything in the life, but, if it has hope and dreams, it has brightness in the eyes and joy in the soul. To ratify the rank of Augustus Cury it follows the idea of Julio Groppa Aquino (So Paulo: Modern, 2002-Education in Guideline): I understand that many times, great part of the teaching suffering in the present time has to have with the fact not to know what accurately we are taking the handle in the schools, more, exactly thus, we are certain of that we are making the certain thing. ‘ ‘ The hell is outros’ ‘ , always.

In some way, all the people if think about its limit, offering optimum of itself. The problem is that many times, Optimum that some people make are disastrous for the education in the country. After this study, we can understand that the education is formed by professors, parents and pupils whom they need to be together in this walked in search of efficient learning. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL As referencial theoretician, the research left of the studies carried through for authors as Pablo Freire, Augustus Cury, Jlio Groppa, these authors teorizam the importance of education learning. They had pointed on the necessity of a new methodology of education, that is, new practical educative. One another source of research and inspiration. Lode to apartir of the reading that they had dared to favor an active and aggressive attitude in relation the learning, Sawerey Telford: op.cit, p.302) affirms that: To make associations facilitates the learning.

Business Japanese Course

You will never be "his" among the inhabitants of the Rising Sun, but you always have a chance to become henna gaijin (in translation – a "strange foreigner", the man who is interested in and familiar with Japanese culture and speaks Japanese language). If you – henna gaijin, then you achieved a positive attitude. You can even conduct successful business in Japan. You trust and communicate with you on equal footing. To earn a reputation among Japanese business – the elite need to know not only a minimum of 1000 characters, expand vocabulary and 6000 lexical items. You should be aware of methods of communication "between the lines" (this will help you to native speakers). To successfully interact with business partners you must learn more and nonverbal communication (sometimes it is much more significant than the spoken words).

For example, when meeting with your business partners (unless you have previously been presented to each other) need to exchange views without (without words) with a slight declination of the head. Or if you crossed in front of his chest (or fingers), this gesture would mean a denial or prohibition. Also, be aware that crossing the hands if you need some distance from the companion, but if you are close, then cross your fingers need. But if your disagreement with someone easy (you do not fully sure), then simply tilt the head to one side (the gesture approach is that if the source – your same age or younger than you). In Japanese culture (this also applies to business – culture), there are many such nuances, unspoken rules.

To build relationships with the Japanese a little to pass the exam Nihongo nouryoku shiken. Need for a long time communicate with native Japanese speakers (find speakers in Moscow is now easy, for example, can look to the Japanese page of the "Club Native speakers / team / japanese) in the construction of talks with Japanese latent rules, no less. You can explore on their own characters and general use phrases, but the traditions you will be able to train only a native speaker (This statement applies not only to Japan. You can find specialists from many countries, and they will help you penetrate into the heart of culture you are interested in the country. You can choose for themselves the Japanese teachers – professionals, to participate in the business – a seminar held for the top – managers of Japanese carriers language, where you explain in detail the subtleties of Japanese business, acquainted with the Japanese experience in solving a number of economic issues. You may even find themselves subject to a seminar. Seminar topics can be both general (eg "Financial System") and devoted to the study of specific areas (such as "Marketing in the service sector). A study conducted by specialists – native Japanese speakers, many of which have not only theoretical knowledge, as are businesses and advice to leading companies.

Watch Books

Lilith you tell me how to build their training, what to look for, so hurry to speak in German. I have on hand the results have just passed examinations at dtz after a course of integration, and I, for Unfortunately, not pulled the exam. Rather I have spoken to 67 points out of a hundred, but must be 75 at least B1. With the letter and the rest – at B1. It’s pretty bad. The results were unexpected for me, I was more or less confident in the verbal part. Now thinking of the test, and estimating a further plan of action, assuming the basic problem: perhaps slow speech, grammatical errors, or unfortunate task. How is it possible to quickly correct what textbooks and courses? Fractal Watch tv, listen to the radio, read books.

Do you have another passive vocabulary is not gained, I think. Then download podcasts, or repeat after speaker. Try to call anywhere – in universities, banks, etc. Identify what causes you have the greatest difficulty – vocabulary, grammar, or whether it is just embarrassing. Elika What should I do? Speak! Do not be silent! Read – if possible only aloud – books, magazines and newspapers. Repeat phrases while watching tv.Zaplanirovat themed trips to the cafe, post office, a drugstore, etc. Prepare in advance the approximate text of a possible dialogue.

Rehearse at home – and people! Nothing can replace real communication. Peresilte tightness, no you An error will not scold.

Best Books

Get a good education from experienced and competent teachers – a difficult task. A role in this area are learning materials such as textbooks, workbooks, manuals and other printed matter in this direction. C On the other hand the quality of teaching material to a large extent depends on the methodological literature. It is no secret that the quality of education in our country significantly decreased compared with Soviet times. Program secondary school easier. Prior to institute a student does not receive the knowledge needed to become a specialist high level. And higher education is not always good.

This is partly also because of the low levels of educational literature. Like mushrooms after the rain grows, new editions of textbooks that contain a large number of errors. Reprinting old books is not always reliable. A series of publications of translations overseas training materials initially underestimated the requirements for students. In these circumstances it is very important to the quality of study and teaching of printed products is strictly controlled by the state, namely Ministry of Education, which, unfortunately, does not always take adequate measures to improve the quality of education. Made and sold printed educational materials must comply with government standards. At the desks of schoolchildren should not be exposed to books with errors.

States should undertake tenders for the purchase of textbooks among firms selling educational literature. Moscow company "Egghead and K 'is Distributor of educational literature for many years. In her arsenal are only tested and earned the confidence of textbooks, workbooks, teaching materials and textbooks. The company provides both retail and wholesale trade, participating in bidding to supply the literature in educational institutions. In order to improve the usability acquisition literature has been recently opened an online store where you can order and get the right book without leaving home. Operates a flexible system of discounts. Prices for goods is much lower than urban areas. Buying textbooks for a reliable company you care about the quality of education themselves and their children.

Language and Success

Thus, the method first – prioritize. If we are not stretch our day (reduction of sleep time, I shall not take!), you should try to reallocate the time we have. To do this, cut the less important things, and thereby free up time for more important, For example, studying the Finnish language. In this case, the first reaction is likely to be: "Yes, just say so hard to do! And I have no unimportant cases! Each point is more or less important. " And that, in general, true.

Once we have something decided to do something obviously for some reason we need it. But I do not accidentally did not use the word "unimportant", but said "less important" things. As stated in a very correct, in my view, saying: "You can not catch everything, but it is quite possible catch the main thing. " You do not need to write any business in the category of "unimportant". This can be psychologically difficult to do. But you can easily say to himself: "Yes, all the cases in one degree or another major. But I have only 24 hours a day, so I need time to make sure the most important, and the rest – how much will be enough time.

" You take a piece of paper and write out all the works that would like to do. May even entitle your list of "Important case ". And this is true. And then the numbers on all things in order of priority: the most important – the number 1, then number 2, etc. Then you do not have to delete something from the list. Simply, if you have a day free to 3 hours, then you have time to do first 5 cases (for example). And if you have a free hour, then one or two cases. Small illustration. Imagine: in a rush hour bus approaches the stop, and it ten seats available, and willing to go – a hundred people. If people are crowd, it would be a terrible crush. All the same, will only 10, and the remaining 90 will remain at the bus stop and will be greatly annoyed and lose a bunch of nerves. And if people got in line early, you will have no problems: the first ten quietly enter the bus, while the rest will quietly wait for the next. So, write down all of its business, including the study of the Finnish language, and prioritize. If the language is not enough time, he's not much to you and want. And if importance of language is high enough, some business will move over, and you do not have to reproach myself for that you do not have time. You do not have time to make less important things, but it is perfectly normal. On the second a way as to find time for self-study of the Finnish language, you can read on my blog. This method is not as obvious as the first, but allows you to select the language for just an unlimited amount of time. I wish you success!

Rational Water Consumption

PROJECT WATER THE FUTURE OF THE WATER IS LITERALLY IN OUR HANDS Justification The world will have that to quickly walk for a rigid control of water consumption candy and, it does not lack much time for this. The water, as the sun, is essential for the life in the Land. The drinking waters will not be available infinitely. It is an limited resource. She seems incredible, since as much water in the planet exists! The water meets threatened by the poluo, the contamination and the climatic alterations that if the human one come provoking. Beyond the danger that represents for the health and well-being of the man. The ambient degradation is pointed as an important threat to the economic development, in general, a person alone takes conscience of the importance of the water when it lacks to it. The problem of the scarcity of the water is compelling the planet to more come back the eyes each time toward the Amaznia where if it finds 20% of all water candy of the planet.

However, with all this immense volume of water, it has of being placed in the agenda of the humanity and the one of the community of Santa Cruz of the Xingu, as a central question. The lack of planning and the irrationality in the use of the hdricos resources are a constant threat that starts to threaten the water supply in our community. Here it fits to accent that world-wide the ecological conscience, that is, the knowledge of our integration with the place where we live, it was born when we perceive that our quality of life depends on as we treat the environment, and in Santa Cruz already we need to awake for such conscience. As for the water, It very has work for our generations and future generations, in the recovery and conservation of this so precious good.

New Russian Entrepreneurs

It is a pity that a third of the price we overpay for the brand. But it is already the market. You demand, with the same language here? After the collapse of the former republics of the Soviet Union, including and Russia turned out to be one on one with the dominant influence of the two superpowers of the most powerful economy in the world: the United States and the United Kingdom with their rich and invaluable experience in building market community. Our country was forced to learn a new look at the world. Does anyone learn from that? Learning has to have the strongest, and who it is, as you should have guessed.

True, the search for old books on economics, psychology, menedmentu years of release, a kind, 1992-1997-th. Nine out of ten – conversion, without a hint of foreign authors, which at that time simply did not exist. That's right, except my grandfather Marx did not yet know about Capitalism is nothing. But this well written British and American guru of Sciences. Inefficient production of domestic industry saw through border opportunities.

New Russian Entrepreneurs rushed to the west of the technology and means of production. And here they all had to deal with the problem of not knowing just English, which cited an absolutely all the documents accompanying the newly purchased equipment. And no matter what was purchased: German vertical milling machine or a party of Korean television. It's been a dozen years until the legislation of the country has come to the aid of domestic the consumer, forcing the import manufacturer to include in the instructions for use "translated into Russian.

Selected Works

So that it was clear to any thinking person. This article represents another attempt to bring to people's consciousness a new correctness PRpoT to persuade my contemporaries in the necessity and usefulness go for it. 2 Speaking of the distribution of labor, Professor Kuzmin implies, of course, the Soviet PRpoT, ie distribution on the principle of equal pay for equal work (PROzRT). After the Soviet Union, where the author notes lived, probably, his life has been used primarily this principle. Since the capitalist principle of distribution (unequal pay for equal work) was rejected by the Union in full, and egalitarian principle (equal to unequal pay for work) was used, or sporadically, or in violation of PROzRT. It turns out that the title of "fairest" (humanity, I leave aside), the author criticized quote gives it PROzRT.

But still Karl Marx, "Critique of the Gotha Program" showed the injustice and the bourgeois limitations of this principle. And Lenin in "State and Revolution" fully agreed with this view of Marx. True, Marx in his "Critique" expressly formulated PROzRT, but he says there that "the individual producer receives back from society after the deductions for as long as he gives to it" (See, for example, K. Marx and F. Engels, Selected Works. In Three- ie T Z. – M., Politizdat, 1981, p. 14). And what is it, if not PROzRT? If not directly proportional dependence of the fraction obtained by the employee in private consumption, the size of the contribution of the employee. Furthermore, Marx argues PROzRT injustice in comparison with the principle of distribution according to need.

Readiness to Perform Work

The theoretical part of training in a nutshell was to ensure that their subordinates may be four stages of readiness to perform work: able – configured, can not – configured, is capable of – is not set and can not – is not configured. Depending on the stage in which the subordinate manager is obliged to apply four different approaches, combining different proportions of directiveness and support. All the approaches documented in the formulas and sealed by the author, Paul Hersey training. In the first approximation, all is simple: if, for example, the employee is capable of, but not configured, it should be motivate, not instructing. And if not, say, set up and not able to act "directive" – the principle of "you can not – teach, do not want – to make." If with the abilities and attitude of subordinates in all it was videozadachkah more or less clear, with the assessment of the adequacy of the behavior of superiors on the screen problems. For example, it was difficult to understand – explaining the operation of the computer system, zavskladom supports its employees or instructs? Nor does it quite clear – the boss, rubbing skinny Chinese girl that that sales had fallen by 12%, chastises a subordinate or so trying to help her? Controversy subsided only for dinner.

Shabby conversations on business At half-time sales training was found out a couple of fun things: two members of the business of training "dispatched" to understand the book of corporate sales training or not, and one girl, Catherine Demko, she was business manager of the company's "Organization of time." She was curious to see how work colleagues. "One of my favorite coaches – Alexander Solomatin of companies 'Mainstream' Daughter 'Ecopsy consulting'" – confessed Catherine. According to Demko, once one of his customers complained that more than a year he can not arrange a personal meeting with a potential buyer – he finished with a polite refusal.