Marketing research related to weddings, continues declaring like good business, especially for companies that has created to provide services that she demands, that is multiple and involves investments, that of knowing how them to manage, to administer without sacrificing a good service, she generates good dividends. The English Rebeca Mead on it exposes, that the growth of the industry of the weddings is not confined either to the western countries. It follows the trajectory of good global winds, and it is possible to be found wherever the economic growth is creating opportunities for careful public declarations of estatus, often, just acquired. India, for example, produced a new middle-class of substantial dimensions: they are near 300 million people who, on the other hand, generated an industry of wedding of 11,000 million dollars that has grown to a rate of near a 25% to the year. A Hindu wedding typical hill at the moment near 34,000 dollars before the dowry. Between rich, the event can reach 2 million dollars. The commercial centers dedicated to the fiance’es are arising by all the country, and the creditors offer exclusive loans for the event.
Comparable Japan and China also have experienced booms. The certain thing, that it has appeared a book on this written subject, exactly, by Rebecca Mead a perfect day: the sale of the American wedding One perfect day: the selling of the American wedding. On it it comments, the bulletin Universia Knowledge Wharthon, that exactly of agreement with Mead, the industry of the weddings in the USA surpasses the 161,000 million annual dollars an enormous post that shows not only as the weddings have become a great business, but also in a great fantasy. When the people spend enormous sums to crown of success the day of their marriage, they are buying, in fact, a set of the most expensive ideas that they communicate, of implicit form, which would be a perfect wedding.