Real Internment

Care still exists the resistance of some doctors how much to the efficiency of home. The great advantage for the investor is that with the use I domiciliate of it as space of attention, can be rationalized the use of the hospital stream beds, beyond constructing to a new logic of attention centered in the monitoring the health and humanizao of the attention. In Brazil, the private companies widely are engaged in the installment of this service. The high costs with hospitalizations take this sector to believe that if it can spend little with the desospitalizao, decentralizing the service and offer quality. The private service part I begin of, to offer it more for less, that is, the cost is lesser for the company, with greater benefits for the customer, satisfying all its necessities and of its familiar ones that in this type of attention, they actively participate of all the involved processes. Through an interview with the directly on managers with the service of Domiciliary Internment, where it is related, the importance of the service and the economy generated for the company due one Real and important reduction of costs, as well as satisfaction of the customer with the offered service. As story of the managers, is the three main reasons that had taken the Institution to initiate the service of Domiciliary Internment: the reduction of costs gotten, that is, economy for company; the social aspects, that is, vacant limitation in the institutions, reinternaes e; the psychological aspects, bigger shelter and individualizado treatment. Beyond the reduction of costs to be sufficiently significant, the managers see the project of positive form a time that allows the work of a team to multidiscipline acting of interactive form, with humanizado attendance, making possible a faster recovery, leaving that the hospitals for its bigger function, the attendance of emergencies. Through carried through research of satisfaction between patients taken care of for the Domiciliary Internment, he has yourself that 98% of the interviewed ones are satisfied with the service developed for the Institution in study..