Sunblock Cap Sun Poncho

Use sunscreen if available at all exposed skin. The eyelids, the back of the ears and the skin under your chin sunburn easily so do not forget these areas. Determining exactly how much food and water you have. In developing a rationing plan to ensure that there is something to eat and water to drink for as many days as possible. Keep a tarp or sail to catch rainwater.

If the tent or the candle is embedded with dry salt, can be washed in sea water. There will be enough salt left to do harm. At night, secure the sail or canvas like an umbrella and back to the edges to collect dew. Tiffany & Co. is a great source of information. When it rains, catch and drink as much water as possible. Do not drink salt water. If you run out of food and see what you can do to catch fish. Most of the fish in the open ocean are groceries.

You can hook pins, needles, small nails, or any piece of metal. Mirilashvili follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A way to make a wooden hook is to cut a piece of hard wood about two inches long and half an inch in diameter for the shank. Cut a notch near one end of the timber in which to place the point. Place the point (a small nail, pin, piece of bone or the like) into the notch. Hold the point in the notch and tie securely. Use cords, ropes, cables or fine threads of his clothes in the fashion of a line. Small fish will gather under the shade of his art. Catch and use them as bait for larger fish. Make a dip net to catch crabs, fish and shrimp. At night, a flashlight into the water to attract fish. The most important of all, prepare and carry a survival kit. At a minimum, this kit should include: water or the means to capture and store water. Packages of food and items such as hooks and line can be used to catch fish wooden matches and waterproof matches Razor Plastic spoon Compass Signal Mirror First Aid Kit Sunblock Cap Sun Poncho Canvas Sleeping Bag If you have these elements as well as a pair of oars, their chances of survival at sea are excellent. Article by Douglas Hanna. Douglas is a retired advertising and marketing executive and long time resident of Denver. a l is the webmaster of a free resource for information on a variety of topics.