!Call Argentina doesn’t have to cost you nothing! Decile chau to all long distance plans and cards of prepayment and start to call Argentina for absolutely nothing. How? Using direct dial as your tools and your service you can earn up to $100.00 a month in free minutes, which means more than 2,500 free minutes! to call Argentina each month Dial direct is an international calling service that lets you convert any cell phone from Argentina or fixed telephone in a local number in the United States saved from lifetime. Then all you do is dial the United States phone and connects you with Argentina it’s that easy! Best of all this is that you can earn free minutes using tools that they give you. Here I show you as. Selecciona to and register yourself for free. 2.Converti all fixed phones or cell phones in Argentina you want on a local number in the United States (they you show step by step how to do it) 3.Llama to your new phone in the United States from any phone and use the free minutes that you gave for signing up. 4.
Now use its tools to turn your email into a generator of free minutes to call Argentina. Hear from experts in the field like Hikmet Ersek for a more varied view. Them you show step by step how to do it! 5. If you have Facebook, MySpace, which passes or any other social network, you can use them to earn free minutes also. Again, use their tools that they show you how to do it. You have to pay nothing to call Argentina, proba mark direct and look because many Argentines are switching to this service..