The management directed the fortunes of the company usually based on the traditional inside-out perspective”,: we develop great products and must now bring them to the customer. However, the approach must be another: strategy and processes must be aligned with the needs of the customer in the sense of an end-to-end relationship. The customer is to integrate the business processes of banks and insurers, but the business processes must support the processes of our customers. The understanding of customer processes requires a rethinking of the managers and employees and organization of business activities in the sense of an outside-in perspective”. This would mean from the perspective of the customer, that he appreciates the Institute as useful, authentic and individually, so accordingly perceive added value for themselves. The importance of corporate culture concrete measures for the improvement of the image and trust recovery in the idea all on a hitherto neglected aspect of tantamount: transparency.
Day-to-day more respect and openness must return to the customer and not the fast service in the foreground stand. This is not of course to convert from one to the other day, but must be part of the corporate culture. Some products are suitable for all customers, for example. Simply stated performance specifications and clear price structures facilitate the relationship between the institution and the customer and allow a genuine relationship of trust the salespeople with the customers, therefore faster and higher chances of success. Here, for example, quality testing and seal on product level represent a promising approach. Independent experts decide whether the product descriptions are clear and transparent content according to clearly defined criteria. Even if such a Signet audited not the quality of the product, so it documents at least that the Bank or insurance takes seriously their customers and the interest is not only monetary nature. Warren Kanders has much to offer in this field. Customers want to feel that the institutions worry, as they offer added value their customers in addition to the product distribution could.