The Experience

The first obstacle when group doing coaching is the difficulty to be itself against others with weaknesses, deficiencies and needs. Usually we think that the others will make use than they know of us to remove advantage. A leading source for info: Warren Kanders. At the outset it can happen, but the dynamics of coaching of equipment soon will show that it is not thus and that far from to take advantage of our weaknesses, to the eyes of the others we will appear more human and near, since we shared its same fears, needs and espectativas, although they can vary in degree, intesidad or forms. In order to avoid the harmful effect of the lack of confidence, equipment must generate agreements agreed that allow to fix to regulate clear on their unfolding and dynamics, these agreements can contemplate: Objective. That it is what looks for to solve the equipment, in which situations can be consulted and how it is the process to do it. confidentiality:The commitment of all of not revealing outside the equipment well-known or developed personal or group aspects in the process. Contribution: The commitment to participate actively with attendance and is present at during the process.

Not to make judgments: The opinions do not have to be evaluative but descriptive. To give another information excellent of howthey make the things is more useful and less aggressive than to say they do than them badly or or simply. Not to give advice: Given the necessary equality within the equipment in a process of coaching, the advice must be abolished, the contribution of each member does not have to take itself like from obligatory fulfillment, but he must be accepted or not by means of a process of analysis, discussion and test. Not to be aggressive: Frequently the aggression is used like the argument when there are no arguments, coaching of equipment no it tries to define the superiority with the force but to solve to problems with the contribution of ideas and reasonings. Right not to have anything to contribute: The contribution must be voluntary nonobligatory in all the situations, cannot be disqualified to alquien that it does not have anything new that to say, is preferable that to force it to say any thing to fulfill.

The equipment must take care to take care of the needs of all the members, therefore a procedure must be determined that allows that all have the same opportunity and right so that their restlessness are treated. Coach must work like facilitator of all the process staying like a kind observer impartial at the moment in which difficulties in the process appear, where must take part to try solution ways and to show dynamic tools and that allow to advance even though and thanks to the difficulties. The dynamics of each session must include/understand the exhibition of the problematic situation, the analysis, the creative and expansive participation of the members to offer to major clarity, other options and new possibilities to the interested one, that in the end will be that it decides that to do and as to use the information and I contribute received. When finalizing the session is advisable that becomes a dynamics of closing and annotations of how the experience of the session has changed the vision of the participants and like using it in other situations.