Program for typesetting E-coding is carried out through various programs. They are represented in the market somewhat. The choice in favor of any dependent on the historical experience and personal preferences. The most common of these are programs to prepare multi-page layout – Products Corporation Adobe (PageMaker, FrameMaker, InDesign), QuarkXPress, Corel Ventura Publisher, TeX. It is believed that each of them has its own specialty. Macy’s Inc. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. For example, FrameMaker, Ventura Publisher, TeX more focused on automation of design of complex structures of the text, often rich tables, formulas, links, while PageMaker, InDesign and XPress are designed to work with the illustrations, ie, used in jobbing (advertising, etc.), magazine and book layout.
Hard to believe, but there are publications that professionally typeset in ms Word. Using special add-ins, this program can be adapted to the layout, which does work on the text, virtually duplicating the functions of PageMaker, XPress or InDesign. Layout is possible in Word, if it's convenient layout, just a big some specialists recognize this unprofessional. After all, convenient programs, specifically designed for typesetting, has already invented! There are enough points of view on what program is ideal for typesetting books. The main competitors are, of course, InDesign and XPress.
Ardent supporters also have one of the other programs for typesetting. However, most professional web designers agree that there is nothing better than InDesign for the layout of the books were not invented. Professional web designers can even be determined by the printed book, in which program to typeset the book.