The Training

Thus, the public administrators, as consequence, will have to accept performance standards that the users demand, mainly the relative ones to the transparency and have controlled. The managers will need then, to get new abilities that give priority to the dialogue, by means of the construction of systems of communication, beyond if acquiring knowledge that she is necessary to accept the sharing in its administration. So that the public institutions fulfill successfully its identity social, they more than need each time employee qualified and with motivation for well-served. He is justifiable, then, the execution of a management directed toward the people who develop the abilities, such as effective knowledge, abilities, attitudes of common-sense and coherent direction with the principles. When analyzing the culture organizacional, guided and directed toward people, Handy (1994 apud Pantoja, 2005) understands that the training can influence it & ldquo; this culture is excellent where the crucial resource of the organization is the talent, or the ability of indivduo.& rdquo; What it strengthens the importance of the envolvement of the person in the organization, beyond the concern with the attendance to the personal necessities. When the individuals are motivated, if they feel useful, the productivity grows in impressive way.

Rare pressures on the part of the leadership occur, therefore it has a empatia with the organization, as its personal necessities are supplied, feel a desire spontaneous to contribute for the growth of the company. The fact to play entailed functions to its abilities and preferences makes with that the professionals if feel endorsed and free to yield its talentos in favor of the organizacional growth. In the conception of Sovienski, & ldquo; a factor that helps to develop a more pleasant environment in institution is to reflect structural, operational and mannering the aspects that involve the management of people, that is to understand the institution and the people.