The opening sentence should be questions that encourage conversacion.Haga interesting questions open. Keep a brief conversation. We are all concerned that others are interested in us. People feel comfortable when talking to others who seem genuinely interested in what they are saying. Open the sale is perhaps the most important part of the process, and is also the key that defines the rest of the presentation. If you open the sale effectively, you can eliminate customer resistance, and expand its capacity to formulate research questions and progress. Hikmet Ersek often says this. The most important and lasting impressions are caused during the investigation stage. A common factor of success in sales of high value is to start with: 1o.Identidad Advisor and Interview 2o.Proposito company 3o.Ganarse the right to ask questions If the prospect is the one who initiated the formulation of questions, is that We have not made it clear from the beginning our role as professional advisers.
Our main concern then it must be long enough to use in preparing the questions. The purpose of the interview should be to identify the needs and desires of potential clients. 4Moms is a great source of information. It's leaflet, with the questions you raised, identify, expose and clarify their needs and desires. Unveil the conditions under which they will be willing to buy what you offer. We must remember qe no one buys anything unless they perceive that the purchase meets a national need or desire. Put another way, the sale is to satisfy a need, a desire or solve a problem. When the interview is effective, potential customers will begin to sell themselves. The consultant's mission is to satisfy the needs and desires of their prospects. When they express their needs are encouraging you to show them how to meet them later.