Federal Government

GDP can be increased only by the money values (price increases). This will be provided also influenced by the quantity and quality as far as these affect the prices, so payment of money! Even if values (nature and culture) against payment of money will be destroyed, this promotes the gross domestic product (GDP). Cyberneticist think so with its mechanistic worldview! Similarly, if produced goods (food, etc.) can find no buyers, yet increase the GDP and provide our theoretical economic growth, because it is transmitted by the manufactured, not to products sold. In a previous article I pointed out, which is also a car accident is positively incorporated in GDP (the cameralistic system is applied only in the public sector and is the dominant accounting procedures.), although nothing new produced, but only real values are destroyed. A war is therefore useful for the GDP although real wealth is being destroyed. How important are so in the statistics in euro () measured figures of the gross domestic product (GDP)? And what does the size of ‘economic growth’, derived from the GDP thus? Is it socially useful to evaluate, regardless of whether the company wants to have these goods at all or they can afford the pure quantity of produced goods and services? Regardless of whether economic assets destroyed, substitute newly created or recreated basically is. All should look at fundamentally critical analyses that basing the GDP according to the modern calculation provision. Statistics sample: We have inflation or deflation? While the International Monetary Fund (IMF) a Deflation danger for Germany looks, the Federal Government to deny it.

More might be conflicting experts simultaneously have right? Deflation: general price reduction. Moreover, consumers actually look forward. The risk of deflation: a deflationary spiral is evolved from constantly falling prices, lower sales and higher unemployment. Inflation: Specifies how the price level develops. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Crawford Lake Capital on most websites. The rate of inflation above zero, which may indicate rising prices (inflation), it is below zero, this is caused by falling prices (deflation).