Between Injury And Heavenly Experiences

Acoustic concepts for corporate communication Berlin/Dusseldorf, June 5, 2008 – by the talking Teddy bear, synthetic prompt service in the tram up to voice applications in GPS systems: the synthesis of natural language is versatile and is one of the key technologies of the 21st century. But how exactly is the acceptance of the artificial voice by consumers? I’m sorry small technical weaknesses in the control systems, if you accept the artificial voice per se? Those features of a system that emotional appeal to the customers and thus spontaneously lead to a negative or positive attitude play an important role. “The fact, how smooth and efficient expires a dialogue between speech and customer is experiencing less of importance than the way, as the customer this interaction and feels”, explains Matthias Peisner of the Fraunhofer Institute. A big challenge is the appropriate therefore for the respective speech Voice and sound to find. Should the voice sound factual or cheerful? This is crucial, because finally we fall over a voice we once sympathy or rejection, so Peisner listen intuitively further. Voice-driven online banking the future voice of the virtual dialogue partner should not remember so a bank robber.

That heard and emotion in close interaction with each other, also Professor Carl Frank Westermann, head of sound branding agency meta-design white. The auditory channel therefore have rank so high because he to play directly on our subconscious mind. The was get according to Westermann without filter in the brain-stem and call out this direct emotions and imaginations. With acoustic communication company can back their brand values much more in the forefront than is generally believed’, so Westermann in the interview with the paragraph economic. Mercedes about trying something heavenly, currently through the use of a boy singing with advertising Divine to transport. A counterexample is the sound-logo of Deutsche Telekom.

“Despite all respect for putting audiovisual Westermann feels the bleeping sound in advertising as a penetrating conditioning of the listener: all praise, ultimately it was assault, what did the Telekom”. Voice applications are approaching in in terms of intelligibility and naturalness of more and more of the natural language. Language dialog expert Lupo Pape also know to report, Managing Director of the Berlin company SemanticEdge: it is already happened to us, that a lady in the system said at the end, with whom I have spoken thank you? There are also more and more people, who can handle very well with voice applications, and the systems will adapt more and more on the expectations of the consumer”, as Pape to NeueNachricht. To make the synthesis quality in the future even more user-friendly, is under the direction of the Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering and Organization in cooperation with the industry initiative voice business an open quality standards have been developed for voice applications. For assistance, try visiting Lucas Bitencourt. 22 renowned experts took into account current findings from science and research as well as the requirements of the industry it for practicality and efficiency. “The times when a monotonous synthetic announcement next stop, Barbarossaplatz” the passenger almost would have led to lay before the tram, seem to belong to the happiness of the past.