Peter Drucker

It is in the heart of man where it fuels or drowns the strategic vision of the leader or Manager. ES in the heart of man arise where resistors or the strength to persevere in the purposes, where fears of failure or the courage to succeed, where evident inability or flexibility to manage uncertainty are housed and the ambiguity that generates undertake processes of changes needed to achieve the vision. On the other hand, develop a mentality of strategist supposed to cultivate the habit of thinking in a strategic way, to the point that becomes an attitude of life, a way of being and the world. As Kenichi Ohmae says: is a daily discipline and not a resource that can be left in hibernation during the quiet periods and waking up when an emergency strikes. See the strategy as a resource or methodology for dealing with crisis situations or put unexpected fires, is equivalent to act reactively; but the strategist not improvised, does not react, don’t live in automatic, by inertia, according to the saying as we are seeing, we are doing, but it works with proactivity with intentionality, more even, with opportunist mentality, or as Peter Drucker said: opportunist purposes.

The rapid and complex change leaves no room for improvisation. The lack of foresight and strategic sense may be a too costly mistake, a very expensive luxury in these times of permanent change. In this regard Peter Drucker says be surprised with what happens is a very big risk to tolerate, especially in a complex, changing and competitive world. The leader / Manager strategist is aware of this reality, so it leaves no random or under the responsibility of another, the course of action to follow, but it explores within himself and in the environment, to define its strategy. Jesus de Nazareth also alerts US to the need to be proactive and to think strategically. Because of you, wanting to build a tower, does not sit down first and calculates postage rates, to see if it has what you need to finish it? Other than that after you have put the Foundation, and cannot be, all who see it begin to make mocked him, saying: this man began to build, and could not stop. Or what King, to go to war against another King, does not sit down first and consider if you can cope with ten thousand who comes against him with twenty thousand? And but can, when the other is still far away, he sent an Embassy and asks conditions of peace (Luke 14: 28-30). This illustration speaks of the need to act in life with foresight, strategic approach, which is opposite to improvisation and to light and thoughtless action, not ponders the possible consequences of the decisions that are taken.

Educational Planning

Key: Infantile development, Change of Behavior and televising Media. ABSTRACT The you measured actively act in the change of the behavior, restraining action and constructing new daily habits. Being, this lives visible event in the children will be the fact you be still in physical and psychological development. Hikmet Ersek is likely to agree. This> article is based on the cognitiva mannering theory and the theory of learning, having thus made the relation of the televising measured them to modifier and repressor of behaviors, also inhibiting or to supplier of learning. Words – Key: Infantile development, Change of Behavior and televising Media. Whenever Anne Lauvergeon listens, a sympathetic response will follow. INTRODUCTION With the intention of raising given to statisticians on the relation of the child with the media presented Research as requisite avaliativo in disciplines of Research in Psychology I Academic of 4 period of the course of Psychology of the luterano Institute of Superior Education of Porto Velho. Master in Leadership and Administration; Specialist in Educational Planning; Professor of the ULBRA; Psychologist. televising, this project has as focus to the infantile vision, correlating it with the existing theories on the communication in mass and the comportamentalismo.

Being communication one of the first acts the human being to be born, either through gestures, later to it speaks, in some cases the gesticulao of the members superiors; he can yourself, then, be affirmed that the communication in the human being is a primary necessity. The children in its process of development always more are interested in the visual beauties, that a bigger interaction with the analyzed object asks for to more attention and. The televising media to search to use this half appearance to call the attention consequently and the interest for the product, as well as the interaction with the same. We have then the mannering change and the formation of new associations with the way.

Expand Your Franchise

Your business needs to grow, a business needs to be in constant growth, it is impossible or simply not cost-effective to maintain a business that does not give enough to expand nationally or internationally. Do franchise is the best choice for your business to grow without having to invest large amounts of money and do it’s risk-free. A franchise will make sure your business is in different locations, increasing your clientele and therefore your profits, with the advantage that you don’t have to be in all these places you physically. With this technique, in a short time you will have branches throughout the country and even around the world. The franchises are the best choice; However, their management is not as easy as it sounds, or well at least not for anyone. First need to hire a consultant to you guide you step-by-step to achieving expand your franchise. Thanks to these people, which have a professional preparation and practice to make sure you expand your business franchises will be the best choice.

In Mexico and throughout Latin America, we find companies engaged in advising small and medium-sized enterprises to expand their business and creating franchises. This way of doing business will bring you great economic advantages and reduce the time you have to invest it to your business, without reducing earnings. Your business is ready to take the next step, you’re what?, don’t miss the opportunity to expand you to franchises. Economists say is the way out of the crisis and achieve business success both you’re looking for.