Thinking About Money

Thus you unlock your cash flow. 5. If you save money and to delay them, think about why you do it. If you save for a rainy day, it is better not to do so. If because I do not believe that you can earn more it is also not an option. And only if you earn enough, and set aside with pleasure, then you're on the right track. The main criterion – a pleasure.

If the thought of money, purchases, or setting aside a certain amount you have which leads to unpleasant or painful sensation, then you think of the money properly. 6. Write down on paper all the negative thoughts, beliefs, and phrases about money, wealth, wealthy people. Do not convince yourself that You do not have such thoughts. If you're not a millionaire, then you are bound to have.

7. Write next to each negative phrase to replace it positive. Tear the sheet in half and burn or tear the negative belief. Within 2-3 weeks carry a piece of paper with positive statements about money and reread them from time to time. 8. Analyze how to relate to the money your parents. What are they talking about them. Drawing a parallel with his current financial situation. What you copy the parent setting? Replace them with ones that suit you. 9. Great idea – make a collage, where you post photos of themselves in the future, where you look successful and wealthy. Be sure to attach the photo of money in the center. Hang the collage on the wall and admire them every day. 10. And most importantly – do not be afraid of big money and take real steps to increase their income. I can assure you that any of their You can easily increase your income for 1 month at least 30%. I stress "at least". Begin to increase your income a little each month. Continuing to write new ways to increase profits. In fact, they are very much needed just want to see them. Each person has their own ways to attract money. And rightly so. What works for one person may be harmful for another. Therefore, follow these recommendations, but listen to your inner voice. Perhaps you feel that an exercise you counter (though it may interfere with your blocks and fears), and can come up with some of his unique techniques. The most important thing – to realize that receive a large income in any country in any, even the most difficult situation. Just need to stop self-pity and finally start to look for a way out. Everyone, regardless of social status and age deserves live in abundance, and afford to buy what he wants, not something that can not afford. Admit that thought in your mind, and she will do the work for you. Allow yourself to live in abundance. Believe in what you deserve this. We get exactly as much money as willing to let into your life. Do not be afraid to increase the flow. Let him come into your life.

Correspondence Training

Laura Day: you already know all Intuition – the ability with which you are born as a human being, like the capacity for language, thought or perception of music. Intuition is not a gift, not available to many: it is integral part of any mental, emotional or mental process. Every moment – right now – you intuitively get this information, you just do not understand. You use your intuition in all practical decisions made by you every day, from the most basic – what to eat for lunch – before choosing a specialty or a life partner. The trick more effective use of intuition is to put the unconscious data that you deliver it is a place where your mind can interpret them. Governor Cuomo is a great source of information. Requires work and leadership to put this unconscious process under control.

I've never met a man who would not was intuitive. Are some people have great intuitive than others? Of course. Some of the more gifted intuitive abilities, while others have a talent for logic, artist or writer. Until now, successful Use your intuition could be a matter of chance – heads or tails. Ability is achieved through knowledge of how to use intuition effectively. Ability to understand the information that you get an intuitive, requires structure, as well as improved use of logic thinking. Whatever innate intuitive skills or preserved since childhood, you can develop them just like any other skill, through practice and usage guide. You learn how to get this unlimited information on its vole.podrobnee in addition, the intuition will be more powerful if it did not get lost among the other components of the decision making process.