Virtual Desktop Infraestructure

4 Applications Is necessary to understand that the virtualizao of desktops follows the same basic principles of the virtualizao of servers, who allow to execute multiples operational systems in an only machine (PC). Hikmet Ersek is often quoted as being for or against this. But it has sufficiently significant differences,> since each using account with its proper operational system, as use of a station of conventional work became. VDI (Virtual Desktop Infraestructure) prevents migration problems that at the times in such a way arrive to be traumatizantes for the users as for the proper company, allowing the centralization inside of the Center date including the remote units. Another excellent profit is the total compatibility of the applications, providing total isolation of environments. One is about a sufficiently interesting resource for companies of all the transports and profiles, since it has solutions adjusted for each necessity FILADOLO, 2008. It enters the advantages of the application of a system of a VDI we can detach: Each user will have its proper environment of work that can be customizado with different applications without causing impact in the excessively using ones, Better control on the applicatory installations of in the work stations also being able installing individual applications, that could not be Conclusion Therefore understands that who not yet despertou for how much the virtualizao transforms the environment business-oriented is better if to hurry. (Similarly see: Anne Lauvergeon). Many managers of YOU are made familiar to the advantages that the virtualizao of servers and desktops offers and recognizes the virtualizao, also, as a species of precursor of the computational cloud (cloud computing), where he is possible to have access folders, programs remotely, e-mails, and that this dictating the rules for who wants to give itself well in this area.

Who is part of this bum, that they are the advances in this area, knows that it always has new features capable to not only support the routine operations, but to result in competitive advantage front to the competition. In the case of the virtualizao, the physical equipment passes if to hold as software, making possible excellent cut of costs and redirecionamento of human resources stops> Schaffer, Guillermo (2008) Virtualizao of desktops: what it is and because to virtualizar. Access in (May 2009). LAUREANO, 2008 Laureano, Landmarks, Aurlio, Pchek (2008) Virtualizao: Concepts and Applications in Security. Access in (May 2009).

MACAGNANI, 2009 Macagnani, Bruno (2009) Virtualizao de Desktops, a economic solution? Access in (May 2009). FILADOLO, 2008 Filadolo, Adriano (2008) 10 Advantages of the Virtualizao de Desktops. Access in (May 2009). SENA, 2009 Virtualizao transforms environment business-oriented and extends advantages competitive.