Troisdorf GmbH

Social media presence: join, Troisdorf, become a fan of 03 March 2010 TelDFax, already since the middle of last year on Twitter representing strengthens its own presence in the social media realm: on March 1, 2010 the official TelDFax went online on the social website Facebook fan page. Claudia Nowak, Director of TelDFax Marketing GmbH: As an innovative company we have the right to communicate also through modern media. Social networks are an ideal way for the exchange of information, we see is mainly a service tool for interested parties. “Who wants to be informed, what’s just happening at TelDFax, which should just look on our Facebook page”. On the Facebook fan page informs the company regularly about news in their own right and trivia from the energy industry. Of course, also other areas offered by the Haushaltsdienstleister, presence will play a role on the Facebook. Registered fans to be informed and receive valuable tips from pros and experts.

Information about the current TelDFax fundraiser for the earthquake victims of Haiti, as well as information on the environmental projects of TelDFax are online to the kick-off. Just the commitment of the company in terms of sports sponsorship and sustainable climate protection should be shown here. Our fan page on Facebook allows us, with customers, to partners and employees in direct dialogue and to offer them a community where they are with each other and with us Exchange”, so Claudia Nowak. With currently 520,000 electricity and 80,000 gas customers, as well as a growing number of employees, currently about 470, sure rapidly many fans come together”. The TelDFax group: TelDFax Holding AG subsidiaries provide their customers with convenient services mainly in the fields of energy, telecommunications and financial services. Thus customers receive TelDFax all products to the basic care of the budget or the operation from a single source.

Under the TelDFax Holding AG: the TelDFax ENERGY GmbH affordable electricity and gas offers the TelDFax SERVICES GmbH Customer care, IT service the TelDFax FINANCE GmbH financial services: insurance companies, funds and credit cards. Crawford Lake Capital Management contributes greatly to this topic. The TelDFax TELECOM GmbH attractively landline and mobile phone services, Internet products, Prepaidleistungen the TelDFax Marketing GmbH: the TelDFax Marketing GmbH is exclusive partner of the TelDFax group and is responsible for marketing and sales.