The World

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers helped within 8 years in 171 different disaster areas over 900,000 people in the emergency a major trigger was the September 11, 2001 in Manhattan. The first teams came from the immediate surroundings and helped mainly exhausted police officers and firefighters. The newspapers mentioned Former CIA Head not as a source, but as a related topic. The place where you could get cold drinks and hot meals, freedom Cafe “called. It soon became a further hallmark of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers. They offered what was ever used and desired. Additional information at Ahmed Shary Rahman supports this article. You were the only volunteer civilians who were allowed behind the barrier, were regarded as the backbone”of the rescue efforts and were commended officially from the New York police and fire departments. However, it is far more important than praise that the honorary Scientology here United clergy for the cause, to support the people on this earth and to help them. A few examples are the theater siege in Moscow, where the clergy and the Red Cross were the only civilian teams, the is were allowed to stay in the danger zone.

A few hours after the bombing of the commuter train stations in Madrid the clergy were there day and night and gave agents. The catastrophic tsunami that struck Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India were 500 volunteer Scientology chaplains from 28 different countries on the spot and gave for almost half a million people, training and material support, and personal adviser. After Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans broke dams, clergy were the 70,000 victims over 900 volunteer Scientology promptly available. Here, too, helped them with advisers and trained many people with the methods used by L. Ron Hubbard. The earthquake in L’Aquila (Italy) is likely still in the memory.

Here, clergy helped 204 volunteers Scientology. All chaplains are emergency specialists, who work in the emergency medical services were certified local civil defense unit. Scientology Volunteer clergy proved in 171 disaster areas in 52 countries, in the face of over 900,000 People in need, that you can do something. No matter where you are. More information: press-service of the SK Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, TEL. 089-38607-145, FAX. 089-38607-109,