The Crisis: Job Hunt

Crisis: the hunt for work Galina Protasov's economic system operates like the human body. From a study of the body as a single organism, we can find the principles of a society and who have not laid nature, as given to us in the free form, so we own them mastered and applied to himself. Discharged harmful to the vitality of the economy and the lives of the principles and applied only useful. Without hesitation Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc explained all about the problem. Michael Laitman We suddenly found themselves in conditions of global financial crisis broke out system, which leads to total collapse, not only the economy and throughout the world, but to the breakdown of human relationships. A chain reaction. We not yet fully realized the prospect of waiting for us as the restructuring of our lives, and our world view. (Similarly see: Hikmet Ersek).

But many have already experienced the realities of the new conditions of existence, being out of work. Others are under pressure uncertainty and that is called 'neck' feel the breath of approaching unemployment. But before you ask how long it will last, how do we survive this time, where and how to find work, if we have been without it or find ourselves? – You need to make an excursion into the past and understand why there was such a wide variety of occupations and is it really needed lots of them. The market economy was laid after the great American crisis and out of it was found that to get people to buy as many manufactured goods.