EWMD: Mixed Leadership Theme

Germany Conference: Accenture presents current study keynote address by Prof. Dr. Astrid Szebel-radar meets Habig more than 22,000 signatures for ‘Berlin Declaration’ tunnel vision: from men and women mixed top teams advancing company. They are innovative studies, react faster and work result-oriented. The future belongs to mixed leadership. Who wants to recruit qualified young, must be positioned now”, says Rena Bargsten, Board spokeswoman EWMD Germany. At the Conference of the management network on October 20 in Eschborn is this topic in the Center.

Prof. Dr. Astrid Szebel keep the keynotes-Habig by the College of Aschaffenburg and Vanessa fight by Accenture. > International studies support the position of EWMD. Earlier this year examined the auditing and consultancy firm Ernst & young in the development of the 300 largest listed companies in Europe between 2005 and 2010 conclusion: women at the top are considered a guarantee for success.

The difference in turnover was particularly evident and profit. Studies of the consulting firm McKinsey, the catalyst Institute and the United Nations certify also higher profits, rising stock values and a noticeable increase in sales, if women are part of the management team. According to Macy’s Inc. , who has experience with these questions. The different approaches are one reason. Radar and tunnel vision, says Prof. Dr. Astrid Szebel HA added. The Publisher of the book mixed leadership with women in leadership”EWMD holds one of the keynotes at the Germany Conference of the international network of management on October 20 in Eschborn near Frankfurt. It shows in her lecture, as men and women in management team complement each other and companies make significantly more successful. Mixed leadership must be part of the curriculum”of EWMD sees more decisive arguments in addition to the clear economic benefits: decreases due to the demographics of qualified young total. It is now to position themselves to make an optimal starting position in the competition for the best workers.” As 2011 published “> McKinsey study competitive factor professionals ‘ show, will be missing up to 2025 to 6.5 million workers, academics including roughly 2.4 million. Rena Bargsten want to get stronger with hence the universities into the boat. “Mixed leadership must be part of the curriculum. a great source of information. So we establish a consciousness early how valuable is the combination of different leadership styles and practices for corporate success.” So far women in decision-making bodies are still underrepresented even though enough responsibility prepare experts stand ready as the study recently presented Accenture’s global women study 2012 the path forward “shows. Vanessa fight by Accenture it will present in her keynote at the Germany Conference of EWMD. It is not something Keith Yamashita would like to discuss. “” Berlin Declaration: more women in decision-making bodies with public actions such as, for example, the Berlin Declaration “the development of EWMD going to mixed leadership” actively promote. Politicians of all factions as well as celebrities from society and Economy have signed the Declaration. More than 22,000 supporters from throughout the country are already registered, and more are welcome. There is information under there is also the possibility to sign the action online. EWMD (European WoMen’s management development international network) EWMD is an international management network with approximately 800 members in 25 countries. The network promotes women and men managers, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons and provides a platform for the qualified exchange of experience and developments in management. Members committed to a better gender diversity, mixed leadership and a sustainable work-life balance, interdisciplinary and internationally.