After several years dedicated to the task of marketing goods and services and sales and sales training, I have concluded that this process must occur in a logical and consecutive. Although it is necessary to mention that every interview process sales should be adapted to circumstances of time and place where it is carried out. Like any social process, is circumstantial, subjective, and human. Nevertheless steps should be technical and orderly manner, what will vary is the execution time and the moments that we can determine how to finish a timely and begin immediately following. These steps have led to a model that we called PEIDOC. Your order is as follows: Interest Interview Presentation Objections Close Demo Here, in simple terms, each of these stages. Presentation: In this stage should be developed in three steps, although their order does not matter.
First step. Present a warm and friendly greeting, to propose an environment of trust. Second step. You must be a personal appearance indicating the name of the vendor or seller and their dependents. Third step. The presentation of the company being represented.
Interview: After having made the presentation, the seller or a seller, must begin with a short series of questions, no more than four, which allows it to know the real need for his client. Others who may share this opinion include Rob Daley. To carry out this stage we need to properly educate in order to develop competence as listeners and become good partners. This stage should end when the customer feel that our product can benefit you. Interest: This stage we call transition, it is the shortest of the whole process and is when we get the client to display the interest in our products. Immediately move. Demonstration: You must begin at the same time the client expressed interest in our product. To demonstrate a product it must be done in three steps: First. Show all chemical and physical characteristics. Second. To describe the advantages, which are only those characteristics that get a bit ahead when compared to similar competing products. Third. Emphasize the benefits to be gained by using our product, fulfilling his need, the contributions of social, economic, ecological, etc. Objections: Although not a proper step, if we can say that they are circumstances that wander throughout the sale process: Interest Interview Demonstration Presentation Objections Close Many believe that the objections are as obstacles in the interview process sales, which adversely affect the result of marketing. Well, some see the glass half full with water and the other half empty. For me the real objections are training camps for a seller. Who learns to make reasonable objections to purchasing decisions, so true is the one who develops their skills as a salesman. When we finished our show, then begins to process the sales interview. Closing: This is the last stage of the process. Should begin when the client recognized: The real need, is aware that by purchasing our product your need will be met and therefore obtain a benefit. Its end should be noted: That the client should end with the conviction of the client will be made between the seller and future negotiations, supported by the company. It must be noted that these steps need to be adapted in implementing the sales planning process that the company has adopted as a marketing model.