For better understanding of this trajectory in Brazil, I made to follow a historical briefing of the insertion of the woman in the market of work and the teaching profession. THE BRAZILIAN WOMAN AS FORCE OF WORK AND AS PROFESSIONAL OF THE EDUCATION ' ' The State that does not value its women is an athlete of an arm s.' ' Plato (the Republic) Since middle of century XIX, force of the infantile and feminine work already was used for the industries in Brazil. According to IBGE (1997), in 1894 the women occupied 68%de the vacant in the textile industry, in the industry of clothes and dressing table 34% of the workmanship hand was feminine. With the performance of the woman in the market of work and under influence of the positivismo at the beginning of sc. XX it had certain advance concerning the feminine image that before, as Almeida (1998, p.18) ' ' it agglutinated attributes of poverty, doura, Christian morality, generosity, ' ' inducing comparison of the woman with the virgin catholic.
However, the positivista speech when adopting model that exaltava the resignation and the feminine moral qualities if ' ' they seted of ambiguities (…) and they had been determinative in the social declassification of mulher' '. In this context, the society already had if become complex more, the occured changes in the market of work and the social relations already demanded more pertaining to school ability. In 1940, according to IBGE (1997) only in the state of So Paulo, 40% of the population were alfabetizada, amongst these the majority were the men. New ranks of work had been appearing and increased the requirement for hand of qualified workmanship. It was then urgent that average education if expanded for the country, destarte necessary to prepare professors. In the schools of formation of the professors if ' ' the women, ' avultavam; ' , but in the intention to educate them of the masculine aspirations inside.