Secure Financial Retirement

If you currently have a stable job is grateful that you have and look much since the current economy not this for games, and in addition to that not you must confuse this note thinking about the idea of not working and have a good without doing anything, that just take you to the disaster and your debts are accumulated. just a few months I learned something that I would have liked to know from which I started working. It says that you should set aside 10% of the money that comes into your hands to save and invest. This leads his time, 10% is not a large quantity, but if saw the accounts that came out I counted how much money leave save by not knowing that when I had 18. do never too late to start, but I am still pleased to know that the average age of people more successful world began to build their empires in reality once they met 40 years. because? porsiblemente because most of this so busy people in the flower of youth living a day spent his time in boberias, besides that if talks to someone of serious plans to prosper financially it seems that you’re telling a joke. Later something to understand that this is normal, but I already understood.What happens esque when you read some books of successful people and learn of them develop certain ways of thinking different (you maybe a little inter-program time or your age), but is quite interesting. One of the things that I have understood is the fact that currently the word retirement in employment does not have any sense, you know where the word retirement biene? because precisely of jubilo! and perhaps time retired, happy people? the truth I know few retired people, but the few that I know are more sad than you can imagine.