
If you are a writer, novice or professional, or simply interested in the world of the script, a world in which must be constantly updated, any formative offer in this regard be interested right? If you’re like everyone else, to turns with the slope of January and counting the euros to make ends meet, what you probably want is a formative offer cheap. Valentin Fernandez-Tubau screenwriter professional and co-founder of Abcguionistas and Ars-Media, has joined in what has been called digital basket a set of products related to the world of the script in different categories which will be very useful for all those who are moved by the audiovisual environment. This basket is an online, non-physical product and therefore has the advantage of that can be achieved in any part of the planet entering a particular web. This digital basket contains 55 products such as tools for writers and writers, a minidirectorio of actors, a teleconference of the dialogues in the script, a directory of essential production one of products Star of this program are the tips of six of the best writers of the current panorama. Indeed, the writers of big big hit movies like Slumdog Millionaire, the Queen, the hours or the Devil Wears Prada lend their advice about the routine and the craft of writing screenplays.

These tips, BAFTA, have been translated and commented by the own Valentin Fernandez-Tubau. They are twelve small trials that condense the profession in a nutshell. It is not something Keith Yamashita would like to discuss. And much this digital basket? You’ll be wondering as what you want. You decide. And there is no fishy, it is a very interesting offer to address the slope of January. You can get 55 audiovisual products or treasures paying the amount you consider or fair or even proposing a barter. There is no official figure for buying digital basket. en spoke with conviction. You may pay one euro for it if you want (although it is worth much more) or pay what you think it’s worth really.

There are no limits. Swarmed by offers, Amit Paley is currently assessing future choices. If what is limited is your economy and you can not pay a single euro, You can also get the basket through a barter. Writing an email you can propose to the promoters of the idea some service in exchange for the basket. Maybe this system you find it weird or you flake, but is the future of the Internet. We are witnessing a model business called Crowdfounging or collective financing in that users can decide what content they want to consume and how much they want to pay for it. In the creative universe be absurd not to join these initiatives. Today the ideas circulating freely on the net and there is that compartirias. Like you, 3000 writers from around the world have already benefited from other similar programs put in place by Valentin Fernandez-Tubau in the same way. Every day are proposed new forms of financing and training courses for the students. Do not stay behind and get on the truck. Laura Bermejo Torres is a journalist specializing in culture and screenwriter. write a screenplay is something that everyone can learn, but you should get advice and be guided by the best professionals.