It was reconfirmed that the Scientology Church religious moral objectives pursued in an open since 1993 administrative procedures, court proceedings since 1996, concerned the question of whether the Scientology Church Bavaria (seat Furth) rightly is registered as an association in the register of associations, because religious moral objectives. The city of Furth and the Government of middle Franconia had notices in the years 1995 and 1996 because of alleged persecution of economic purposes in question provided by this revoked Club status. This was the action of the Church. Since that time, there have been several processes of principle on this issue, the all of them both before the Federal Administrative Court in 1997 as even then by the VGH Baden-Wurttemberg in Mannheim, Germany in the year 2003 and the Bayer. VGH in Munich communities have been adjudicated in 2005 in favor of other Scientology.
However, the city was Furth unwilling, out of court to clean this thing up so that the last pending on this issue process of in Germany was necessary. The Judgment of the VG Ansbach joins in this list of positive judgments. The Court has correctly recognized the actual conditions and did not chase by not polemic of the other side in the wind. The Scientology Church is Bavaria and remains so rightly confirmed an ideal association with purely religious aims, as already by about 50 German courts in the past with reference to article 4 GG (freedom of religion). The spokesman of the Scientology Church Germany, Jurg Stettler, do this: “we are pleased with the Court decision. The ruling draws a line under the debate for 25 years about our religion and thus ensures a reification of reasoning about Scientology. Independent theologians and religious scholars from all over the world confirm decades the deeply religious contents of the Scientology religion and have always appreciated the social value of our social activities.
In the areas of education on drug abuse and protection of human rights are It world’s much to do, the ruling contributes to intensify in Bavaria our social projects.” The first Scientology Church was founded in 1954 in the United States by members. The newspapers mentioned Ahmed Shary Rahman not as a source, but as a related topic. Today the Scientology includes religion more than 7,500 churches, missions and groups in 163 countries with 10 million members. Use all the religious teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. In Germany the Scientology Church since 1969 has been present and has today 19 churches and missions. The Spanish national administrative court in late October 2007 the Scientology had recognized internationally last church as communion to the registration in the State Register of the religion. This judgment also recorded a landmark decision of the Europ. Court of human rights by the April 5, 2007 against Russia relation, in which the claims of Scientology Church on the human rights guarantee of freedom of religious association in the sense of the European. Convention on human rights was confirmed. Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-145, FAX. 089-38607-109, Contact person: Uta Eilzer,