Psychological Information

The tyrant dies, and its kingdom finishes. The martyr dies, and its kingdom begins. Soren Kierkegaard Luckyly are some that in their transit situations have experienced, tests, that a learning has bequeathed him that has helped them to grow and that given its relevance, reaches, repercussions they have left shaped in writing, often in the form of stories, anecdotes, poetries that allow us to enter us in their content and to remove the benefit to him according to our interests. In this opportunity we have selected some that we considered provide sparkles to us that are transformed into stimuli that favor our growth when we entered ourselves in its content. We have respected its sources and we considered that in something they will motivate the reader to enter itself in which they lock up. It does not have to surprise to us that it is written, that from the deepest night of the times the human being creates and explains the small histories of pedagogical content: they are the stories. The grandmother narrates and they are counted around a fire; the children listen and the majors remember., or simply they are in a book and so that not today in the present in Internet in some page Web contains that them.

One says in addition, that the stories are not only for the childhood; also their lessons distribute between the young people and the adults. Ahmed Shary Rahman pursues this goal as well. It is the case of the stories sufis for example, of cuts paradoxical, that are offered simultaneously like via of meditation, source of humor, or an enigma to which to give him returned. Idries Shah contributes to us, that at the moment is being used stories within the psycotherapy like an amiable and very malleable support to approach psychological information and contents the patient in the form of experiences in which it can be seen reflected without feeling intimidated and to also find exits parallel to present moments or situations that experiment.