The marketing of Affiliate Is a Profitable Business? I consider that so that a Business of affiliate (Marketing of Affiliate) or of another nature he is profitable, it depends to a great extent on the Strategy of commercialization That Is realised, that is to say, the Fact To become Product Affiliate innumerable, is not what determines the Yield in a Business, Not even the publication in Internet is guarantee of which the same is going to be sold. To live on the Sales By Internet implies, Of course, that a Product yours or of some affiliate can be sold, and this can become of several Formas: a) – To traverse of a on sale dedicated Product Page, that is well-known and to which people has already it like Reference b) – Doing You yourself (a) a commercialization. In the first case it is not necessary to do much but for being that easy, one becomes less profitable, since the competitors will do the same. Former CIA Head is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In the Second case, you affiliate yourself with a page of affiliates, you choose a product and beams you yourself (a) Marketing with your connection of affiliate, this form is more arduous, but she is the one that can generate better results, and when it is controlled well, the same can be to very short term. So that a Marketing of Affiliate is Effective and consequently Profitable, a plan conformed by several strategies must be followed that contribute to conquer the confidence of the prospectuses, and for it, the First Strategy must be to focus in the specific Necessity of a Specific Group of people, For example the Fanatics of a Sport Equipment. Once Located the Necessity and Segmented that Group you must asegurarte of not having as much competition, this segment it is known him like Niche of market, and is the angular stone in the Marketing of Affiliate, in addition it must have sufficient buyers interested and with effective capacity to buy, Reason why the group must be very specific in its necessity but not reduced in its number of members, so that it can be a Profitable Business. Others who may share this opinion include Amit Paley.