Sleep is one of the most beautiful pleasures which in my opinion – is life. But the hours that I need to rest, are not the same as that which you need. This report will discuss this: each person in this world should have different sleep needs, or at least a priori this would have to happen, but there is a theory that can refute this: there have been studies with twins separated at birth, and has reached the conclusion that, even living totally different realities, the needs of sleep they have are exactly the same. In the introduction to this note we’ve talked about time people’s different needs when sleeping. Here we leave some data so that you have in mind: babies need around 20 hours of rest. Young children 12 hours. On the other hand, teens, only need 8.
Finally, older people need around 6 hours. But to keep something in mind: these are not data that met to rajatabla; factors such as customs that are adopted within the family can reaching influence. Now arises a question: is it possible to be able to reduce the amount of hours we slept without suffering consequences? The answer is more than convincing: Yes. Moreover, several studies have been done in this respect: in them, several people have remained without sleep for several days, without suffering significant consequences. Anyway, it is advisable reduce the amount of rest time in a gradual manner. Ending with this specially prepared for note, we leave a data extracted from the Spanish population surveys: in Spain, the average number of persons taken as timeslot of the rest 10 o’clock until 7 o’clock in the morning. Obviously there are exceptions, it is here that we find the revellers and the early risers.
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