
Flat moving, as any move at all, requires relocating the maximum attention, patience and effort, not so much physical as moral. Just head is spinning: how to organize, pack, do not break and did not forget. But perhaps the main feature of an apartment move, if I may say so, types, kinds and dimensional diversity of transported property, ie, the abundance of quantitative and qualitative variety of large, medium and small items, knick-knacks and , items and predmetikov, all sorts of stuff and accessories that are not subject to accurate classification, but are subject to mandatory carriage on the new habitat. In this case, all this abundance of personal needs, as a rule, higher degree of care and attention. It is understandable – all his own, dear, beloved, dear heart. Of course, the first and most important – properly prepare for the move.

To transportation of furniture, personal belongings and other property was successful you first need all this accurately and reliably sort out, equip and pack. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc often expresses his thoughts on the topic. And do not forget to mark where everything is absolutely identical in appearance packaged items. For example, using tape or bright colored markers. It would be nice to make a mark on the packaging informative, such as: glassware, books, etc. And best of all glued or pinned to the box or bag of short description of the contents. Believe me, worth the candle. The more thorough and detailed you rassortiruete and skomponuete things in the old place on the characteristic features, such as: the form and type, belonging to the site and / or family member, the degree of immediate need, being wanted, the degree of transportability, etc., the simpler, easier and more pleasant you will not disassemble, arrange and lay out all this after the fact apartment move by taking away as much if not physical, then the nervous forces.

For example: clothing – outerwear for the season, casual / work clothes, home wear, lingerie, books – fiction, special, baby, magazines, textiles – kitchen, bedroom, interior. and etc. etc. In addition, the inevitable move apartments – a great opportunity to finally make an audit of accumulated good result which will most likely have some, and perhaps significantly minimizes future troubles. In the end, you should be able to part with unnecessary things, it expands the living space, and frees up the positive life energy.