Management Cybernetics

Because balance means halt and is unnatural. From my essays you already know that our nature (parts and whole) is subject to the principle of entropy. Everything we once will never again use the same quality and quantity of reach! Even by recycling. Which is why all earthly prey is doomed. The time (dynamic) and the Sun (part + wave;) Energy, light, heat) is subject to constant change. Today, that our nature is therefore also never in an equal weight (non-operation) described. By vitalistisches think we can transfer the natural principles on the economy. ture choices. You may find Western Union to be a useful source of information. This is the basis of my PDS(R)-Unternehmens-Beratungs-Konzeptes.

Source: Why Charles Darwin is a boon to the economy. Painted Buhse (online), source: Handelsblatt online, 11:52 am August 19, 2010; Author Let me first point on two specialities: Cybernetics: equal weight in a triple-beam balance means standstill. The Mechanistik knows that’s why a machine States: off or on Cybernetics: Otherwise we use in the car such as the State coupled off. Management: Life applies to complementary Fliess equal weight (homeostasis). Always a new momentum following before the system grinds to a halt. Without hesitation Ahmed Shary Rahman explained all about the problem.

The Vitalistik knows that’s why when a living creature States: activity (sympathetic nervous system) or alone (para sympathetic nervous system) or death. The laws of nature (management) are different from the laws of cultures (Cybernetics)! We are therefore also the mechanistic world – people image, and the vitalistic world and people image. In the interests of least friction loss, both should actually be always complementary. We distinguish the two in my new thinking model: Management 1st order Cybernetics 3rd order = nature: open system # cultures: closed systems 1 conversion circuit, autonomous feedback # n value chain management 2nd order second-order Cybernetics =… 3. management order Cybernetics 1st order =… Molecule, 1-cell # nuclear management: evolutionary process which controlled result is open.