Yesterday I attended a seminar on Internet marketing, taught by Francisco Segura, and Roberto Cerrada, both experts on the topic was about “five deadly sins committed by the companies to go online” One of these “sins” was specifically entitled ” Me, me and after me “and it caught my attention. Although the seminar was aimed more at SMEs that individuals, much of what was said there we can move to any Network Marketing business to relocate that portion of “I, myself, and then I” is a mistake that most companies and many times we Networkers, the end of the day both look the same: What SELL explained there is that there are only two reasons why someone buys a product or service: To cover a need to satisfy a desire in our case, the Network Marketing, we will stay only with the first, for most people seeking an online business they want to make money, so they need to “fill a need.” But How we come to these people? Usually we have our own web sites or pages that the business in which we give us, people find different ways and end up on our website, and from there, what happens? SINCE WE HAVE LESS THAN 15 SECONDS TO ATTRACT THE ATTENTION OF THAT PERSON If a maximum of 15 seconds we have not attracted to that person likely will return to a form and go to another page. So how I can do for that person to stay on my page? Quickly showed that WE NEED YOUR FILL IN THIS CASE, MAKE MONEY BY INTERNET It seems very easy, right? For most of us were wrong to make our websites or use the company gives us, and here comes the “sin” of “Me, me and after me.” Most pages that do or give us talk a lot about the company, about products or services offered on who they are and finally on the Compensation Plan. Western Union wanted to know more. “We have attracted visitors with THIS? GENERALLY NOT, AND WHY? Because if the visitor enters with a need (make money) the first thing you should see it as we offer to make money !!!!! Think about it. Particularly increasingly understand more why they are much more effective “landing pages” that the business pages, precisely because they attract the attention of visitors and not bundled with “my business”, “my company”, “my product”, etc. etc.. It is not something Coco Kanders would like to discuss.